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Bloo P.O.V
My phone started ringing I turned off the T.V and took my phone out of my black hoodie pocket and checked to see who it was. The person that was calling me was Berry?! how in the fuck did she get my fucking number?! I didn't answer and let my phone ring until it stopped. But in a few minutes it started ringing over and over again until I got fucking annoyed so I answered the crazy bitch! "what the fuck do you want Berry?!" I yelled "well hello Bloo long time no see huh?" Berry said in her high pitch voice. I sighed in annoyances "yeah it sure has....so Berry how the fuck did you get my phone number?! you don't live in Fosters anymore!" I yelled again "oh my god don't you ever stop yelling like a little bitch?!" she yelled back making me growl. "Anyways your wrong Bloo because I'm actually living in Fosters until someone adopts me for now heheh" she said and giggled evilly. I stayed quiet when she said she was "living at Fosters" witch means she's back! "h-how when,  why?!" I said nervously "well let me tell you..so after escaping that worlds giant rubber band ball I decided to go back to Fosters and get adopted this time and not go crazy over you again" she said in her baby voice. I felt like someone was watching me so I looked around and saw nothing weird. I sighed and continued listening to Berry "so I talked to Frankie and Mr. Herrimman about giving me another chance and giving the puppy dog eyes so they gave me another chance so that's why I'm here heheh" she said giggling. I didn't care if Frankie and Mr. Herrimman or probably the others gave her a second chance I don't trust her and last time she almost ruined my friendship with Mac by trying to get rid of him. I'm not letting that happen ever fucking again! "Berry I don't care if anyone gives you a second chance you tried getting rid of Mac and forcing me to be your boyfriend I'm not letting that happen ever again do you fucking understand me?!" I yelled making me lose some breath so I breathed in and out to catch my breath.

Berry P.O.V
I heard Bloo yell at me I actually don't care what he said and yes all of that was true it's just that...I was in love with Bloo. When I first came to Fosters and saw him I instantly fell in love with him he was so cute and hot I couldn't help it he was perfect, everything was perfect. Until that Mac showed up and ruined everything so I wanted to get rid of him by ruining their friendship and it worked but....only for a little bit and I lost  so yeah. But ever since that day I realized that Bloo didn't like me back and everybody thinks that I'm crazy, insane a psycho path but no, no I'm not. But when I came back to Fosters I swore myself I will get my revenge by tricking people to be thinking that I was sweet, inanest, kind but what they don't know is that I'm evil, cruel, heartless and dark. I just need to trick Bloo to think that I'm all sweet inside and make him to give me a second chance heheh! and when that happens everything will be just perfect hahah!! I don't care who I have to hurt, I don't care who I have to kill not even Bloo. "Heheh of course I understand you Bloo heheh" I said while giggling "good" I heard Bloo say. I smiled and looked at the clock it read 3:09 I sighed it was time for my nap I usually take "well Bloo it was fun talking to you but I got to go hopefully I'll see you around Bloo heheh good bye~" I hung up and put my phone on my bedroom counter and laid down and pulled the blanket over me and fall asleep thinking about my plan for Bloo.

Bloo: P.O.V
Berry hung up on me sounding so... sexual I blushed a bit and put my phone into my hoodie pocket and thought about Berry and not trusting her at all. I was cut off from my thoughts as I heard someone knocking on the door I sighed and stand up and walked to the front door and opened the door and saw Mac.

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