Chapter 2. Deserted Island

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  The image of Yumi's mother appeared to her thought. 


"If you leave this house for that guy, You are no longer a daughter to me." Her cold harsh words brought back the empty feeling she had inside. 

"I've never felt like a daughter but just a resource for you to look good in front of other people." 

   Yumi's breath was fading away and her eyes shot open realizing she was in the water. The taste of salt filled her mouth making her choke back in the sea water. She looked around seeing a blur of things falling and the white black sleeve shirt caught her sight as she realized it was Taehyung. 

 She swam towards him knowingly her time of breath was at its brink of not working anymore

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 She swam towards him knowingly her time of breath was at its brink of not working anymore. Managing to grab his hand she swam upwards as fast as she could seeing the light knowing she was close to getting air. 

     Yumi bursts out the water gasping for air as she pulled up the unconscious V popping his head out the water. What she saw horrified her as bits of the plane was scattered through out the ocean. 

  The plane crashed. 

       She could see an island not too far and began to swim for land. It was hard trying to swim while holding onto V at the same time but she knew her dear life and V's would be in danger if she didn't try. Her grunts and loud breathing made it harder realizing what tough situation she was in. Not too long after she could feel the sand on her feet and she smiled of relief. Yumi began to walk faster breathing louder and dragged V out the water onto shore where he was away from the water. 

     Attempting to do CPR she pinched his nose opening his mouth and began to place her mouth onto his. Both hands on his chest she pressed down hard but not too hard. Repeating the process not to soon after water began to burst out his mouth and he coughed opening his eyes. 


  His eyes closed and his head fell back. He knocked out. Yumi sighed feeling her every move tired from all the swimming and she fell on her back closing her eyes trying to catch her breath. Opening her eyes again she looked around wondering where they landed. 

  She picked herself up to see if there was anybody , anyone who could help them. 


   Nana wakes up gasping for air seeing the sky in front of her. She turned her body over looking around realizing she was on sand and could feel the water rise back up and down on her legs from the shore. Looking over to her right she notices CEO Sora knocked out not too far from her. Picking herself up trying not to fall back down she makes her way to CEO Sora and shakes her from the shoulder. 

"Sora-" She called out. 

   Sora wakes up screaming waving her arms everywhere slapping Nana right in the face. 

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