Act V

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"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Julian groaned, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. He paced over to the sink, looking at his sunken appearance in the mirror above.

"Why can't you just tell them the truth? Just- just say it. I-I'm g... gay." His lip shook heavily, his eyes fogging up to the point that he can't even see his reflection anymore. The 18- year-old turned the tap onto cold, splashing his face vigorously. Leaning his stomach against the counter, Julian loosened his tie and ran his fingers through his curly hair yet again.

"Don't cry. You're a man. Get it together, Julian. Get it together." He scolded himself, standing upright again and clearing his throat. As Julian Capulet reached for the bathroom door handle, the heavy oak door came swinging open as his face, and a tall figure came bolting straight into him. Julian felt himself being pushed over, hitting his lower back on the cold marble floor. He let his eyes focus again, looking up at the wall that he just hit. Before him stood a tall boy, about his age, dark hair slicked to the side with gel. The boy's eyes were an entrancing green color, his face reflecting the white of his shirt, and his leather jacket shone dully in the light of the bathroom. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, each of them looking each other up and down.

"Hey. You know what?" The boy started.

"What?" Julian asked innocently, genuinely curious as to what this handsome stranger had to say to him.

"I think you just fell for me." The dark-haired boy winked, holding a hand out to help Julian up. The shorter boy flushed furiously, helping himself up and bolting out of the bathroom, feeling the boy's gaze on his back. 

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