Hearing the growls inevitably come closer to the bolted door, I knew I only had a few minutes before he would be here. Her predator's pull was getting stronger as she heard her mate so close to her. Though her body relaxed somewhat, knowing he was here. And that irritated me anew. I wanted to be the one she called to in pain. The only one she called to. 

Walking over to the bed, I watched the woman I love pant for another man. Cursing the universe I sat on the bed watching as she froze. Slowly looking over at me, she growled lowly at me.  

"Sarina" I said softly, trying to get through to her. As I watched her eyes shift from her jade green ones to the golden hue I knew I was losing this silent battle. 

Sarina Please hear me baby I pushed in her head, Your stronger than this. I'll help you. Just me and you.. 

Get the Hell out of my head she growled back. In the back ground of her mind I could hear Ash's taunting laughter. That's my girl he smirked at my discomfort. 

Ash hurry I'm on fire she begged acknowledging his presence in her mind, as well as his close proximity.  

Hearing her he smashed through the door shifting as he did so. Watching his reaction to her scent that filled the room, his eyed glowed as his head snapped in her direction, narrowing his eyes at my closeness. She's mine he warned me. 

The hell she is I snapped at him standing throwing in my full power. His power slapped back into me as the two of us as we went into battle mode. 

"No!" Sarina's shout rang through the air, breaking our mutual challenge. "Cam please don't. I'm sorry.. so sorry I just need..." a groan ended what she was about to say as her body started to shake.  

"Just get some damn clothes on, and do something" I growled, dangerously close to my breaking point. There was no way I was leaving her with him.  

"Is that an order?" he taunted while he strode towards her, never taking his eyes off of her. 

"No it was a order to get some clothes on first!" I snapped as he climbed on the bed wit her. 

No time, why don't you go get me some he replied in my head as he wrapped her in his arms. Watching her reach for him, pull him down over her was one of the hardest things I had to stand by and allow. That was until what she did next...

Ash's POV

Waking up I realized something was off. Everyone one off my warning bells were going off, as I used my senses around to look for threats. My predator was pacing back and forth, feeling my uneasiness. Rubbing my eyes I sat up, ready to go find the trouble so I could finally get a full nights sleep. God, I'm tired. 

As I walked out of my room I reached out automatically to my pack link ready to send out scouts to search the area, when my predator felt it, Sarina. Her predator was calling to him. He lunged trying to break through as I slammed into the stair railing breaking the thin slats I fell down off the side onto the floor below. 

Grunting in pain, my body shook as I used all my will power to control him. Damn what has him so angry? In took a few minutes I was able to push him back far enough to sense out for my pack. 

Except no one was answering me. 

What the hell? What the Fuck? I am your Alpha. You will answer me dammit I growled putting my full power into my voice, as I heaved off the floor stumbling through the front door out into the night.  

It's her sir... Jaxon paused, She needs help. We can't control it.... he whimpered under my command. 

Who is she? I asked when my beast caught her call to us. Oh dear God Sarina I thought at the same time as I lost what little control I had and I shifted. Letting out an angry growl he surfaced, bringing out his mighty roar. Oh shit... this is not good. 

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