Planing to move in with Erika

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Jake and Chad looked at each other.
" well you can stay with us" Chad said
"Even better join team 10" Jake said
I looked at both of them I didn't think that I could be a really good person too have a YouTube channel or wake up 10:00 just for the gym. " do you really think I can be a team 10 member" I mean I worked out but... I didn't work out everyday!!! "Of course you can" Chad said. Jake nodded. "You can try" Jake said. "Ok but just for a day and if I like it I can do it" i said in a happy mood. "That's MY GIRL" Jake said I laughed. "But you know there is a place we're the girls are and we're the boys are. " Jake Said looking at me. Then I remembered something " Don't you think that Erika would want to get to know me before she even wants me to be in her house." Jake looked at me and said.
"Yeah but you can get to know her we can give her a day Erika really wants a new team 10 member that is a girl she will probably let you go in before she even looks at you" me and Chad laughed. "So should we go sit anywhere?" Chad said to me and threw the piece of the phone screen that cracked in the garbage can. "Yeah" I said.

Chad POV
"We will meet you there" I took Jakes hand and pushed him to the corner when Y/N walked away. "We should ship her with Justin." Jake looked at me as I said that and glew up then he frowned and said "Wait Justin has a girl" I thought to my self IM DUMB!!! "But you can't lie they would look cute together"
(It's the writer here Lilly comment on what days I should update) ~ Lilly

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