Chapter 3: Work.

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The morning after I woke up pretty early like always. I spent some minutes looking at the window, doing nothing, but after a while I decided to at least sit up. I immediately felt pain, on the head and just under my belly.

When i touched the places I felt bandages. I stopped a second to remember. Right, the emo cutted me up and then he bashed my head with something, if not with his fist. He probably wanted to finish me himself.

But the bandages? Well, probably Vittoria heard me screaming. I wonder if she saw Jeffrey.

I took my clothes and this time I went to the bathroom and after I went downstairs. Strangely enough Vittoria was up too and she already prepared the table for breakfast. "Good morning, slee-" She stopped suddenly and Vi immediately run to me. "What the fuck happened!?" She screamed looking at my head.

She... She wasn't the one to... She didn't hear me at all!? She was sleeping even thought I was screaming like a mad bitch!?

"Wow, I leave you alone for two hours and now I see you with your skull open!!" She took my face with her cold hands and she inclined it in different ways just to see the bandages. Maybe she went out last night. "So?" She demanded nervous. "I just slipped on the stairs." I answered calmly.

Vi looked at me strangely, I'm not sure she saw through my lie but something was certainly bugging her. "Go on, shoot." I encouraged her while sitting on the sofa. She followed me and she sat stiffly on my left. "Okay, I don't want to be a dick but... How did you know how to wrap yourself in bandages? I mean... You did a perfect job!" She exclaimed. I wasn't angry at her, it's true that I don't know to do shit, I'm so futile.

"Ya know... People invented wikihow." I said after eating some biscuits. Vi just sighed and turned on the tv. This time she didn't eat. She looked at the clock near the entrance and she gasped loudly. "We have to go to work!" She screamed.

The two of us run outside catching the keys and we hopped up in the car. "Wait, the house." Vi went out again and she fastly locked the door. She hopped again in the car and I started to drive immediately.

We couldn't find any place where we could do the job we wanted, the job that we studied so much for. So, now we are just waitresses in this desolated city.

We arrived at the reastaurant, it was still close for the public.
When we entered the owner was already behind the counter and he made a big grin just after he saw us.

He was a middle-aged man, not really handsome, he was fat too. Not that I should talk. I'm not pretty and absolutely not beautiful nor cute. I'm just a fat elephant.

Sadly I don't really know him. I saw this man just a couple of times for the work. But there is not that much to understand of him. Confident, viscid, immoral, discusting, obnoxious.

"Good morning, ladies. Shall we begin?" He greeted us. His voice too had that hint of viscid. We went to our changing room, we fastly put on our uniform and we immediately went back.

The day wasn't that weary, it was our first day so he used it to teach us some basic things. Sadly towards the end I broke a pile of plates.

Of course I had to loose myself in my empty head again. Did I mention how fucking stupid I am!?

"Here, let me help." Vittoria obviously helped me without thinking. But I didn't want to drag her down with me.

Everyone always hated that. Vittoria is not like me. She's beautiful, she's intelligient and I'm just contaminating her. No one ever managed to understand why she wanted to be with me, I'm obviously not like her. I should just admire her from a big distance, I shouldn't even touch her.

When I just moved away. (Jeff x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora