Promt ish thing?

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"Let go of me!" She screamed at her captor as she struggled against them. They stopped and knocked her out with one blow.

She woke up with a headache in a room lit only by a single light bulb. She saw three figures tied to chairs, right underneath the bulb. It took only a moment for her to realize who they were.
"Sky, Rose, Maya!!" She shouts. They looked up with sheer terror in their eyes. "What's wrong?" There's hurt in her voice. She then realized that they were looking behind her, and fought to turn her head and see what-or who-her friends saw. Who. They turned her head forward sharply enough to give her whiplash. They tugged the rope off her wrists and held a gun against her temple.
"Don't try to escape." A gruff male voice said. She obeyed and stood up as he yanked her arm. Something cold was pressed in her hands.
"W-what's th-this?" She started shaking. He walked over to her friends and moved the gags  around their mouths to cover their bloodshot eyes.
She looked at the thing in her hands. A gun?! She thought but why- no! She would not do anything with that gun.
"You know how to use that thing?" Her captor asked. She shook her head. "Oh, c'mon, it's easy," he sneered, "I already took the courtesy of loading it for ya. All you gotta do is point and pull the trigger. So, who do ya like the least?" He grinned evilly as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Aww, if it's that hard, you could always choose yourself." He was standing beside her now.
She looked at the gun then at her sfriends. "Shoot me!" Maya screamed at her. She stayed silent as her other friends screamed the same. She lifted the gun up to her head, sobbing.
A gunshot rang out.

Hope you enjoyed tchat prompt ! If you do decide to continue this, please tag me so I can read it, thanks!!

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