October 16th 1558

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"Where is she?" Queen Mary was ragging through the halls of her court. She would catch literally every single man's shirt collar and yell into their face. "Where is she? Where is Princess Elizabeth!? I want Elizabeth!!!" Her poor courtiers were already scared as Hell and thought that their queen went insane.

"Call down, Your Majesty." One member of her parliament said. It was an older man who served her half-brother and father. Mary had to admit that he was wise and his advice would always serve her good. But in this moment she really didn't care who she was talking to. She slapped him hard across the face while yelling with huge hysteria in her voice: "Don't tell me to calm down!!" Man's head turned on the side as his right cheek was burning red.

Mary was a mess that morning. Her hair was flying around since she forbidden anyone to brush it. Her dress was set wrong and she had big bags under her eyes. "Fetch me Princess Elizabeth! I want Elizabeth! Bring me Elizabeth!"

Later in Mary's chambers...
Mary felt so embarrassed due to her scene earlier. She somehow managed to calm down and returned to her chambers. Apparently, no one could find Elizabeth anywhere. 

She still didn't accept it, the fact that Anne Boleyn was her real mother. That simply could not be the truth. Right?

She hasn't slept whole night.

After few minutes in complete frustrations, tearing her clothes and hair apart, and kicking random furniture, she felt sorry for throwing the old diary into the wall. But she didn't pick it up whole night and morning.

Until now. She gently took in her hands and touched its fragile surface.

She decided to read it. But she was afraid what will she find out. The sole truth was horrible. The worst part were Anne's feelings. If Anne really was her mother, Mary didn't want to hear remorse, love or any similar feeling the whore might have had for her. That would make it harder for Mary to hate her. She wanted to hate her with her whole being. But hating the woman that brought her into this world... It was harder than Mary thought.

January 22nd, 1522

Dear diary,

I can't believe I am on Tudor Court.

I  must admit I'm scared. Because I will have to see King Henry again. It's been more than six years. And Mary. Oh my little darling. Her birthday is coming soon. I wonder will I be able to see her on that day. I just want to hug her tightly and don't let go of her. But just seeing her would be great.

My father wasn't so happy when he found out I often write of my little princess. He says I need to forget her and move on.

Move on.

Just because I had her for a one day doesn't mean that I can't love her as any mother loves her daughter.

I guess I'll just have to wait to find out important things in my life.

England, here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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