Chapter 1

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My older brother stood over me, eyes blown wide, and a smile spread across his face. He held out a hand to me as if he was approaching a wounded animal, knowing that any sudden move could spook me into leaving. My feet scuffled across the floor and I looked into his big brown eyes. The same eyes that mother said made him hard to deny. They really were beautiful, but that isn't why I'm finding it hard to say no here. I was 10, I had no understanding of why this was wrong.  The second reason was that he was so much larger than me, only 13, but he towered over me. The third reason was that he had no problem beating me if I didn't do what he wanted. "C'mon baby let me make you feel good." He purred in that voice he used to calm me down when I was crying. I looked up to him for so long, he was my big brother, and he was supposed to protect me, he was supposed to take care of me. Everyone always said we'd be the only friends we'd have when we grew up, I assume they would change their minds if they knew what happened when mommy and daddy were away at work. "Help me?" I murmured, grabbing at the end of my purple and blue striped, oversized sweater, my chin tucked into my chest, and eyes glances up at him through long youthful lashes. "Yeah, we just have to get rid of these clothes." He started to gently brush the sleeve off my shoulder. I didn't try to stop uim, but how could I? I was so young and he was so much stronger than me. I hesitantly said okay, and he continued on with his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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