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I rush towards the elevator as the doors close, but someone inside the elevator presses the button that makes the doors open and I slide into the elevator.

"Thank you," I pant, winded as the elevator descends towards the lobby.

"you're welcome," says the man next to me. He must be new here because I've never seen him before. He has frizzy black hair and is wearing glasses. (lol sorry can't describe people well guyz)

"Are you new here?" I ask.

"Yeah, just moved here."

That explains the moving truck.

"Scarlett Andrews," I say to him. I stick out my hand for him to shake.

He takes it and says, "Daveed Diggs. You can call me Daveed though. Mr. Diggs is a little to formal."

The elevator doors open to the lobby and we step out.

"My apartment number is 321. Feel free to come over," Daveed says as he walks away.

321, is next to 320. He's my new next door neighbor.

I look at my shopping list as I head towards Target. I frown when I see whiskey on the list. Danielle's an alcohol addict. The last time I refused to buy her whiskey, she beat me and locked me in my room. Luckily, Edith, the cashier who checks me out, knows about my mother and doesn't ask any questions as to why a thirteen year old is buying whiskey.  

The rest of the list says things like eggs, muffins, and milk. This is all for Danielle. I live off of lunchables and stale cereal.


I step back into my apartment. The television is blaring. Danielle is passed out on the couch. I set down the grocery bags and quietly put away the groceries.

I notice the show Danielle is watching. It's Blackish. Then I realized we have an actor as a neighbor.

Anyway... new ScarJo cameo for mah gurl 

Next Door Neighbor {adopted by Daveed Diggs}Where stories live. Discover now