It's nice to meet you

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"Wait , this isn't the first time she's asked this .?"I asked .

"Nope , she tried to get me to do it yesterday .She thinks she masturbated to much as a kid and messed her goods up ."Jenny explained and I burst out laughing .

"Really ?"I asked through a fit of giggles and Ryder just shrugged .

We both made our way to the showers , I watched as Ryder stripped as I did the same .

"Did that hurt ?"I asked and nodded to her left nipple .

"Yeah , like hell . I'm planning on getting the other side done , I have an appointment for next week ."She said before looking back at me .

"You were checking me out "She sang in a sing song voice .

I got in one shower stall and she chose the one beside me , we got out around the same time and finis ed up .

We went and ate in the cafeteria , she again ate only fruits and vegetables while writing it down in her little book .

After only and apple and a hand full of blueberry's she stopped eating .

"You full already ?"I asked as I munched on my cereal .

She nodded and patted her stomach but then with all her power forced herself to eat more .

"What classes are you taking ?"she asked .

"I'm not sure I guess I'm just window shopping today in class to see what appeals to me ."I shrugged and she nodded .

When we finished we went to the same class .

After a long day of classes we went to lunch , me , Ryder , Cali and of course Jenny who seemed to follow Ryder around all the friggin' time .

"I got to go , I have soccer try-outs "Ryder said very chipper and ran off .

I had some alone time since classes were out .I myself was now in band since I am quite good at guitar .

I went back to my room and read my book , it was around 6 when Ryder burst in all sweaty carrying a jersey with her .

"I made the team ."She said holding the jersey up .

"Congratulations ."I said and smiled .

This girl really impresses me .....

Over the pace of the next couple of days she managed to impress me even more , like in one of our classes we were depicting a poem and no one understood it until she screamed 'he's talking about his sick fascination with rape and how he likes to treat woman as second class citizens ' . The professor was really impressed and told her to join a debate team and feminist theory class.

This weekend was parents day and my mom , dad and older sister were going to come and visit .

"Are your parents coming for the parents day ?"I asked Ryder who had yet to unpack all of her boxes and was currently tackling one .

"Well it's just my dad , but yeah he'll be coming up to visit ."Ryder said with a genuine smile .

"I think I need to got to the doctors , I'm still paranoid about my junk ."Ryder said again out of the blue , I rolled my eyes and went back to my book .

I heard her phone buzz and she picked it up .

"Hey dad , how's it going ?"She asked and I eavesdropped .

"No dad , I haven't ...yes , I've been careful , you know I'm not like that ........actually I have a girlfriend ."she said and I somehow felt a pain in my chest , like I was getting stabbed .

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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Just College roomies? (girlxgirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang