Chapter 1

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Alarm rungs *little mix's power ringtone*

"Uhn....hmm? Morning already? Oh well.." Ramses said as she turned off her alarm and her ceiling fan. She sat up and yawned while stretching. "Morning Meowie." Ramses said as she patted the head of her cat sleeping beside her.

"Nyuu~" her cat meowed faintly. Ramses went down from her bunk bed and went to the comfort room. She washed her face there,rinsed her mouth and changed into sports cloth,combed her hair after going out of the comfort room and wore a rubber shoes. She brought her phone and her headphones. "Morning Saver." Ramses said greeting her dog while the dog's wagging his tail. "I'm just going out for a bit. Wait here okay?" Ramses said and she went out for her jog in the morning. She played some music to relax her while jogging. It was BTS' music. She always hums with their song and that serves as her vocal training. She went to Pagoda which is the popular place for people to rest after they jog. She went there and waited for the sun to rise. She saw that the place is still empty that's why she practiced some of their group's dance steps which she easily masters. When she realized someone is coming..she stopped and seated on a bench like nothing happened. A jogger who looks so manly because of it's body. But Ramses was surprised because of that jogger.

"Umm..dear...can I ask you a favor?" That jogger was a gay.

"Y-yes?(wah..he's a gay after all.)" Ramses thought.

"Can you please take some shots of me? Just press this button as many times as you want. Just take many shots okay?" He said to Ramses.

"Okay." Ramses said and got the camera from the gay jogger. The jogger decided to pose after giving the camera to Ramses. "" As Ramses was instructed,she took many shots of him. "Here." Ramses said giving back the camera.

"Thanks more thing. Take another shots of me with this background please. Just for my Instagram." The gay jogger said giving back the camera to Ramses and she just nodded.

"" she took many shots again. "Here." She said giving the camera.

"Thank you Sweetie! I really owe you so much! I'll treat you some food next time okay? Bye!" The gay jogger said bidding goodbye to her while waving. Ramses just waved back.

"Hehe...he was a one fun but kind gay jogger i guess?" Ramses said to herself and continued to wait for the sun rise. When the sun came out...she took some scenes of it and took shots around her surroundings like the sea below Pagoda. "Well..the sun rose now. Maybe I should go home now." Ramses said and played some music again and jogged home. When she arrived home...she removed her shoes and picked some uniform of her. She went inside the comfort room and took a shower. After few minutes she got out of the C.R and dried her hair. She changed into her uniform and tied her neck tie then combed her wet hair. She saw her sister waking up then her brother and lastly her father.

Munar Family, Ramses' family,a lively,energetic,wise and friendly family of her. Consists of a father,brother and sister and a mother working overseas. Strict to Ramses about her having a boyfriend.

"Morning eonnie,brother and father." Ramses said.

"*Yawn*Morning.." Her sister greeted back.

"Morning..." Her brother stated sounding very sleepy.

"You're awake now...oh you're also prepared. Ivan..wake up now and get up so you can prepare." Her father said.

"Hehe...I'll make us some coffee." She said after wearing her socks and shoes and went downstairs. After making coffee,she carried it and put it on a table. "Drink up." She said.

"Have you eaten breakfast now?" Her sister asked.

"Yup...I ate the bread from the ref. There are still some left so you eat it...I gotta go now." She said preparing herself and wore her bag.

"Here's your money." Her father said and gave her money.

"Thanks father...I'm going now." She said and left.

She arrived at her school before the flag ceremony started. The ceremony started after few minutes and ended after 30 minutes. Ramses and her classmates went back to their classroom and she saw that they're rushing to clean the room. When she went inside,she saw some of her classmates are still doing they're homework.

"(Wah...I'm sure our adviser will get mad again...gotta prepare for it.)" She said and as she thought..they're adviser nagged them again for not cleaning the room earlier and for not doing they're homeworks. "(Glad I made to do it last night.)" She thought again. After a long discussion with their adviser,the second subject started with T.L.E.
They discussed about their recent lesson and new lesson. After another 30 minutes of discussion,the second subject ended and it was recess time. Ramses fixed some of her things that she used and kept it inside her bag. She went outside to buy some food and she saw her classmate.

John Redick Tabutol, Ramses' classmate and best friend. Sometimes teases her. A tall guy that is almost as tall as Andrew. A little smart to English.

"Redick!!!" Ramses said running towards him and bumped him.

"Oww!! Come on,can't you just approach me more gently?" He complained.

"Hehe...I don't want to,it's normal for me to do,so what?" Ramses said with a giggle.

"Huh...whatever." Redick said and started to walk again.

"Where are you going?" Ramses asked.

"" He asked her.

"Why do you care?" Ramses said.

"Come on...I answered your question so you answer me too." He complained again.

"Hehe...fine fine...I'm going to canteen as well." She answered.

"Oh...then let's go together." He said.

"Fine with me."

-Just Her Regular Day-

To be continued.

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