Picture Me and You.

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HELLO! so this is a short chappie just to show you how this story is gunna go. tell me what you think below! and if anyone likes it then i'll keep writing! much love ~Marnie xx


“Ana Bella! Hurry up you slow poke!” Louis screamed at me from the bus. I grumbled shifting my oversized suitcase from one side to the other. Louis had decided to be a horrible brother and insist I carry my own bags. All 3 of them. And lets just say they were the smallest suitcases either. It wasn't my fault no one would tell me what to pack for the tour.

That's right, I Ana Bella -either Ana or Bella never both- Tomlinson am touring with the famous heart throbs, One Direction. One being Louis Tomlinson, my annoying loud brother. Louis had invited me to go on tour after I had gotten back from my year studying abroad in India. India? You may ask, i'm a photographer in training. The year was spent walking around Bangalore and Jodhpur and other cities taking pictures with a wold renown Photographer. Unfortunately he decided it was time for me to return to my normal life and try to work on my own.

My idea of that is going back to Doncaster getting a job in a studio and working there till I want to change scenery and move somewhere else. My brothers idea? Secretly hiring me to be their photographer for backstage pictures and such so he can have me on a tour bus for 5 months with a bunch of sweaty boys. Not the ideal situation. Including when one of them was the reason you left...

I wobbled into the tour bus throwing my suitcases onto the floor and flopping down on the couch. I let out a loud sigh before a heavy unwanted weight dropped on me. I groaned opening on eye to see Harry smiling at me whilst on my lap. I shook my head pushing him off. He landed with a thud on the ground laughing.

“Bella!” Liam yelled rushing over and pulling me into a bear hug. I hugged him back giggling before he set me down kissing my cheek. “missed you babe.”

“well i'm here now!” he hugged me once more before another pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around to see Harry pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck squeezing him before letting go and kissing his cheek.

“India did you good Ana, you look more gorgeous then I saw you before.” Harry winked. I snorted hitting his shoulder lightly. He smirked before leaning down to my ear and whispering. “don't tell Lou this but, you've always been my favourite Tommo.”

"Hey! Back away from the sister!" Louis growled at Harry.

I let out a loud laugh holding my stomach it hurt so much. I patted Louis on the shoulder trying to calm down from my fit of laughter.

I calmed down enough only to be picked up once more and spun around. I looked over my should to see Zayn holding me. I laughed petting his head softly before he let me down giving me just enough time to turn around before Louis tackles me to the ground. I groan before turning over and straddling him on the ground. “you turd!” I yelled before twisting his nipples and running away.

I heard everyone laugh as I made my escape to the back and diving into a random bunk. Unfortunately that bunk was already occupied by someone. We both groaned before tumbling to the ground. I rubbed my head whilst the other rolled around trying to wake up. I looked over to see the blonde haired boy I hadn't seen in a year laying next to me on the ground. He blinked a few times before looking at me with his penetrating blue eyes.

We stayed like this until a voice clearing his throat snapped us out of our little staring contest. “sorry to interrupt.. but Paul needs us up front.” Harry said with a cheeky wink.

I nodded getting up and looking to Niall. He stared at me before grunting and walking to the door. “Niall.” I said out of the blue. I didn't even know what I was going to say, just that I needed to say something.

He stopped turning around and looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks flushed.

“what?” he spat.

“Niall...” I repeated weakly. “i- I missed you.”

he rolled his eyes opening the sliding door and slamming it shut. I sighed shaking my head before lifting it up to the lights and blinking back the tears that were forming. I thought that leaving would help. That giving us both space would fix everything.... but maybe it just made it worse.


her outfit ---> http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=49882854

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