Really Important Things

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What to and not to do around your crush. Male and Female.
One of my friends requested this because she had a crush on someone and didn't know how to tell them. I feel like most people are in this situation, as well. So, I made this book to help. Hopefully, it does.

    If this helped you, please share this and comment and/or PM me on how it went, if it didn't go well, tell me everything and i'll try to help you the best I can.

    Also, these are all the things I did to get a date, so, this may not work for everyone. Read 'til the end before using tips, plz. This is the only long chapter, the rest are under 100 words.

Let's Start!

First, you need to know what kind of crush is it? Do you just want to hang out with him/her a lot and when he/she isn't at school you feel different? How do you feel? When you're around him/her, how do you feel? Friendly? Protective?

Well, my crush became a date. We would protect each other and stand up for each other. If another gets hurt, we make sure they're alright and can still stand. Passing each other in the halls with a smile. Talking about our interests and a bit of life everyday.

How do you treat them? If you treat them poor or kind or like a bully. Even punching them playfully isn't that good if you want a relationship with him/her. It depends how you use the playful punch. Do you hurt them in any way? How do you feel around them?

If you really want him/her, don't flirt too much. If you do, and he/she ignores you, or seem like he/she's not enjoying it, just don't. Be yourself. Treat them like how you would treat anyone else. Like your best friend for an example.

Don't wear too much makeup. Or maybe, not even at all! Just know, you are beautiful just they way you are. Even if it doesn't seem that way to you, others see you differently. You look in the mirror, you see yourself, and you think that you're not good enough, that's not true! Looks doesn't matter as much as personality.

Lets think about it, everyone is different. Don't be like someone else because you think it's cool. Just be who you are. Don't be a poser. Don't let yourself want to be someone else. Be you. You only. No one else can be you, but you.

    Also, if your friend likes another guy/girl, don't try to take him/her away from them. What if someone took away something/someone you value? Would you be pissed? I would.

Don't lie. That's really important. If you lie, and he/she finds about the truth, then, the relationship will break up and he/she probably won't trust you. It's best not to lie. Moreover, the relationship will turn out as a lie.

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Tips to Get Your Crush to Like You BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz