Suicide Bridge (request)

Start from the beginning

"Colby? Colby who's this?" A blonde haired boy asked as he stood behind the blue eyed boy who I suppose is named Colby.

"Hi... I'm Y/N," I answered as Colby smiled a bit.

"Beautiful name," He commented, his smile now a smirk.

"Hey I'm Sam. May I ask what you're doing out here this late?" He looked concerned, so I had to lie.

"I lost my phone earlier today so I'm back here looking for it." I lied through my teeth, desperate to leave them.

I didn't want to leave Sam and Colby, but I knew I couldn't stay. I could get to know them, they seemed like nice people. But it was my time to leave, and I didn't want to waste their time if I was just going to disappear soon. I didn't need them to grow onto me, nor did I need to grow onto them.

Colby furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and suspicion.

"It's 1:15 in the morning, and you don't even have a flashlight to search for it. Wouldn't you wait until daylight to look?" Colby questioned, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I- uh... I don't know, but I have to go..." I start to walk towards the bridge again, ignoring the calls of my name.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, knowing they couldn't hear a single word.

C O L B Y ' S  P O V
"Sam..." I drag out, my eyes glued to the girl.

"I don't think she's looking for her phone."

I inch behind a tree that was closer to where she was headed. The bridge.

She runs up the steps and to the center of the bridge. I decide to run after her, knowing what she's about to do.

"Y/N!" I yell as my feet stomp against the ground, Sam following behind me. She climbs up onto the platform, trying her best to jump over the fence before I caught up to her.

Luckily I arrived before she could finish hopping the fence. I quickly grabbed ahold over her leg, causing her to yank away. Sobs left her lips as tears cascaded down her red cheeks.

I wrapped my arm around her stomach through the fence, letting go of her leg which she eagerly threw over so she could stand correctly.

"Let go of me Colby," She squirmed in my arms, anger growing in her cracking voice.

"No. Sam, call somebody!" I yelled as Y/N tried to pry my arms off of her. "I'll call Elton, he'll know what to do," Sam hurriedly grabs his phone and dials Elton.

"El- Elton, hurry to the bridge. We met a girl and she's about to jump. Please hurry, Colby can't hold onto her much longer." Sam glanced up to me as I tightened my grip on Y/N.

He hung up the phone and climbed up next to me, grabbing ahold of Y/N's legs so she couldn't fall out of my arms.

"Let me go.. let me be happy for once. I'm tired of existing, let me feel free," she whimpered, her squirming becoming dull and tiresome.

After what seemed like centuries, Elton and Corey finally arrived. Panting, panic washed over them as they comprehended what was happening.

"I can't pull her over, what the hell do we do?" I groaned out as I kept a tight grip on Y/N.

"Corey, grab the rope out of my backpack." Elton rushed out as he shut his eyes and began to think of a solution.

Corey handed the rope to Elton and he climbed up next to me. He ran the rope through the fence, around Y/N's torso, and back through the fence. He stepped back with the rope in his hand, pulling it tight enough so Y/N couldn't go anywhere.

"Colby, jump over and lift her over, but hold onto the fence with one hand. Corey, hold onto Colby's arm. Sam, help him lift her incase she fights." Elton explained, focusing on the rope.

I took a deep breath and carefully climbed over the fence. I looked up at Y/N's exasperated expression, tears flowing at ease with each blink of the eye.

My eyes became watery as I wrapped my arm around her legs and started lifting. Sam grabbed ahold of her legs as well and began lifting her over. After she stopped squirming, I lifted her by her feet as Sam began to pull her over without hurting her.

"Guys," she cried out, drawing in a deep breath as she was being carefully pulled over the fence.

"Why won't you let me go?"

"Because you're worth so much,"

"I'm truly not!"

"Y/N you belong here."

Tears didn't stop flowing from her bloodshot eyes. Her cheeks were red, her hair was tangled, her clothes were scrunched.

She began to grow tired, her limbs fighting less and less for freedom. She eventually just went limp, giving up and losing all hope as to fulfill her act.

We successfully got her back onto the sidewalk after a few minutes of struggling. Elton held onto her while I climbed back over the fence.

I gently grabbed ahold of her shoulders and hugged her tight, my eyes growing watery again. Her heartbeat was soft, almost non-existent. Mine beating a mile a minute.

"Don't scare me like that ever again." I whispered through her hair. I felt her arms travel to my waist with a reassuring grasp, letting me know she wouldn't.

I held her close as we walked to the car, not letting my grip loosen even at the slightest. I couldn't bare to almost lose her, not again.


this request took me since october (?) to write and it's not my best writing but it's something i guess. i'm terribly sorry for the wait but it's finally published :) part 2 maybe???

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