"You." He sticks his index finger out at him before proceeding to gesture him back and forth between the two.

Jimin can see how utterly confused the other is, and quite frankly, he is too. Slowly, the male walks up to the counter, holding a pot with a bright yellow sunflower in it. Jimin watches him blink a few times, his long lashes grazing his cheekbones as he waits for Taehyung to spew nonsense.

"He's single." He says, nudging his head at Jimin who, at that moment is recovering from choking on his own spit.

"I'm— WHAT?" Jimin exclaims, spinning on his heels to face Taehyung. His hands jerk forward suddenly and he has to stop himself from letting his fingers give the other's neck a nice, long hug.

He manages to curl them into tight fists instead, his eyes closing tenderly, an annoyed smile resting on his face. He lets out a long breath before letting his shoulders relax, his arms dropping to his sides.

"I don't know why I haven't fired you yet." Jimin murmurs out defeatedly.


Taehyung doesn't give an actual answer but, he does mock the 'sorry not sorry' look Jimin gave him earlier followed by a small shrug.

Jimin scoffs at the other's words, shaking his head, "What am I going to do with you..." The pink-haired boy murmurs under his breath as he turns back to the pouty male with the sunflower.

"Sorry about, him," Jimin nods back to the brunette who waves at them with a friendly smile, "That all you're gonna buy?"

"Yeah. And it's fine uhm—" Yoongi pauses, leaning forward to squint at the name tag on his blue apron, "Jimin."

"Okay, well, are you sure you don't want to buy some fertili—"

"Yoongi," The male interrupts him mid-sentence, informing the other of his name for no particular reason.

"Alright, Yoongi. Do you want to buy some fertilizer?" Jimin asks softly for the second time, face resting in his hands lazily.

"No... It's fine, I don't need it.." Yoongi answers in a low tone, and only then does Jimin realize how deep his voice is. It wasn't what he expected but, who was he to judge?

"I mean, your plants might die but, your total comes to ₩3000."

And Yoongi slides the bills across the counter, glancing at him briefly before picking up the potted flower.

"And don't forget to water it." The pink-haired boy reminds the other before he walks out.

"Now," Jimin glares over at Taehyung who seems to have disappeared into the backroom, "I swear that brat is going to be the death of me."

so like, you know that cute guy i was telling you about

you tell me about a lot of cute guys can you be more specific

the one in my music theory class

which is?

well i don't knw his name yet

know* but i will soon

he's got like, really bright smile

he's super super hyper though, like, 

did a backflip into the classroom once kind of hyper

okok please stop i don't wanna hear anymore

i also can't believe what you did today honestly

i want to fire you

hey, no need to go there i was just trying to set you up
[read 22:39]

Jimin groans, chucking his phone somewhere in the sea of blankets as he rolls over to bury his face in a pillow. The coolness relaxes him, and his nostrils soon fill with the familiar scent of lavender although it's very faint.

But, he likes it that way.

Jimin sighs, as much as his aches with sleep and fatigue, he can't stop his mind from replaying the embarrassing scene from earlier on loop.

"I. Hate. Taehyung. So. Much." Jimin pauses between each word to smack himself with the innocent pillow as if it could help with what had happened earlier. He's not even thinking about the boy, no, his thoughts just rest on the looks from everyone in the shop. A humiliating experience.

A sigh of defeat leaves his lips as he falls limp against the sheets, suffocating against the thick fabric. Only when he urgently needs to breathe does he roll over onto his side, his mouth opening to take in a gasping breath. Once his lungs are satisfied with the air that clenched their hunger, Jimin proceeds to Instinctively pull his knees up to his chest, his arms and legs wrapping around the rather fluffy blanket.

It isn't the same as a person but, it does an alright job imitating one. Jimin craves the comfort of another person rather than a bunch of cotton and wool. He knows it shouldn't be such a big deal but, the warmth just isn't the same (although he'll never admit that he misses it).

Thankfully, after twenty minutes of thought, his eyes become droopy and it doesn't take too long for sleep to embrace him in its sweet arms.

flower boy;  yoonmin (discontinued for now.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя