One Day Friends

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17-year-old Quest isn't your normal high school student. Far from it. As an only child to a single Mother in her early 30s, he often found himself neglected and in need of attention growing up. Unfortunately, he never got it. So, for Quest, the only way he knew how to get his Mom's attention was to act out in school. At first, it was all fun and his classmates always enjoyed the distraction during Math class when Quest would, on purpose, quote Shakespeare every time Mrs. Kim asked the class questions. However, as the years went on, Quest became more isolated.

Quest's mom was 17 herself when she had him. She was destined for greatness. Born into a rich high class society, she was always seen as the outsider in the family. Whether it was because of her taste of heavy metal music or wearing loafers during family dinners, she just never seemed to fit in. She knew it. Her parents knew it. Heck, even their maids knew it.

But, she truly was something. She had the looks and the brains to go with her one of a kind of personality. She was instantly recognizable due to her long dark brunette hair and green eyes.

She was also humble. She would show kindness to people of all races and backgrounds, to her parents' dismay. She would sneak McDonalds Cheeseburgers, and sometimes the delivery boy, through the basement window while her parents entertained guests with the finest caviar and champagne. Definitely the outsider of the family.

Then she got pregnant. She quickly went from being an outsider to the black sheep.




The three words that echoed in her ears, and her heart, as her parents yelled at her for days on end. It was quite ironic that the day she found out she was pregnant is the same day she found out she got accepted to Columbia University.

No, the McDonald's delivery boy wasn't the father. She wished, though. Quest's biological father was also destined for great things. Straight A student. Star player of the water polo team, only child to a wealthy billionaire family... you get the idea. However, his relationship with Quest's mom was nothing more than a fling for him.

He didn't care that she was pregnant. As a matter of fact, he got angry because he missed his flight to Yale when she called to tell him. He boarded the next one and that was the last time she ever spoke to him. Good riddance.

She soon realized that she had to get Quest away from this toxic lifestyle.

6 months into her pregnancy, and right after her high school graduation, she ran away from home and never looked back. Her parents? They never even bothered to look for her. To them, an embarrassing problem solved itself.

She raised Quest all by herself by working 16 hours a day at a diner in a small town right outside of San Francisco. As the years went by, she went form cleaning and scrubbing the toilets to running the entire damn thing. The townsfolk cherished her and took care of Quest whenever she had to work - and she had to work most days. You can understand why Quest always wanted to gain her attention. She wanted to give it to him but to put food on the table and nice clothes in the wardrobe of their small 1-bedroom apartment, she had to work the long hours. It wasn't until 2 years ago that they moved to San Francisco. After years of hard work, and a few small donations from the townsfolk, she finally managed to open her own bakery. Be it, they live in the floor right above it but it's finally a place they can be proud of.

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