chapter 11

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cassidys p.o.v

I knocked on rikers door it took a second for him to get up and open the door. when he did I saw his face instantly drain colour and go a pale white.

"why did you storm off like that"

"listen... I i i really like you" he stuttered out

I couldnt move I was just too shocked riker lynch likes me... I mean of course I like him but I dont know if I LOVE him im just to confused... I was cut off my thoughts by riker smashing his lips onto mine... I then finally started kissing back my stomach was full of butterflys no wait more than that fireworks it felt like world war 3 was happening in my stomach.

he finally pulled away because we had to breathe.

"that was nice"

"yeh" was all I could say.

"we should get back downstairs I think my mums cooking dinner do you want to stay for dinner?"

"id love to"

I know its a short chapter but I just updated coz its been a while. vote if u like it and comment what u think.

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