chapter 6

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cassidy p.o.v

Angelica, Charlotte, Angel and I all walked down stairs to say goodbye to my mum, I walked over to my mum she turned around and gasped 'oh my gosh you girls look beautiful' she exclaimed 'thanks mum' I replied 'thank you Ms Richardson' my friends replied. we said our goodbyes then headed off we were going to walk so we don't get drunk and crash or something.

Rikers p.o.v

we were all ready to go so we all walked to this club because it was just around the corner. when we arrived rocky ross Ratliff Ryland and eye all went to find a table whilst rydel went to go get the drinks. 'there are some hot chicks here tonight boys' rocky beamed ' I know dibs on the brunette over there' I joined into the convo. 'im good lads ive got my gorgeous Kelly back in America so ill pass' Ratliff added

charlottes p.o.v

when we arrived I walked up to the bar and to get a round of shots for the girls and I, on my way there I bumped into someone 'oh my god im so sorry' I looked up and saw a really pretty blonde haired girl with a tutu and a pretty top on 'oh no its ok I wasn't looking were I was going' she laughed 'my names rydel by the way' she answered I swear I have heard her name before she looks so familiar but I just cant put my finger on it. 'hi im charlotte' I answered back 'oh what a pretty name' she giggled 'anyway I gotta get going I need to get my brothers drinks before they start hassling me again see ya around' she said 'bye'

I brought the drinks to the table and looked around on the table next to us I saw that girl again rydel.

1 hour later Cassidy p.o.v

By now we were all pretty tipsy I weren't as much as them I was still stable and we were just dancing around I was getting pretty tired so I told the girls I was just going to head home but they can stay here if they wanted. they all wanted to stay so I went back to the table to get my things and go.

5 minutes down the road I started to feel like someone was following me, I looked behind me to see 3 men wearing black behind me, I started to walk faster and so did they I was getting really scared now. I took off my heels and started running to my luck they were running aswell. I was soon out of breath and couldn't run anymore they caught up to me, 'hey there pretty lady wanna have some fun' person one said 'n-n-no thank you' I stuttered 'well too bad' I started to scream for someone to help me they but person 3 covered my mouth. I knew I was never going to escape...

uhhh cliff hanger this was chapter 6 comment below on what you think.

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