The assembly

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His son never got to go to college

Never got to have a job

Never got to get married, have kids

He never got to do anything ever again because he hung himself in his basement two days before his birthday

All because these kids bullied him.

He didn't realize how many people loved him

How his dad was planning surprise party for him

How his sister was going to take him for ice cream when she got home

How his friends decorated his locker and made him a cupcake

They waited by his locker for him

and waited

and waited

but he didn't come 

because he was dead. 

And those kids continued to bully him after he died

called him a retard, called him weak, said he wasn't ready for real life

And nothing happened to them


They caused a kid to kill himself

And nothing happened to them

Aimless Ramblings of an AthenianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang