Chapter 4

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Gerard was away from his room for nearly half an hour and Frank had begun to get worried about him. The punk boy was sitting on the edge of the plush pink and red bed, waiting for the little to return to him.

It was almost eternity, but Gerard did finally come back. He walked in and shut the door, walking over to the bed. He was visibly shaking and his breathing was uneven. Frank noticed this as the little approached him and immediately stood up. "Hey, Gee, what's wrong?"

The older boy looked at him with glossy eyes, clearly about to cry, as he fell into the shorter boy's arms. He broke down, then and there, sobbing into his shoulder as Frank rubbed his back. "Hey, hey shh, you're okay, I'm here. What happened?"

Gerard sniffled and looked at him. "M-Mama y-yelled at me c-cause my grades are s-slippin' a-and she said it was cause I-I'm not responsible a-and that I-I'll never m-make it anywhere, th-that I'm nothin' b-but a gay f-failure..." The little rambled on, looking down and letting his tears fall to the floor.

Frank frowned and pulled him closer. "No, no, you're not a failure. Not at all. Grades don't matter anyways." Frank placed a hand on his cheek and gently lifted his head a bit to look into his eyes. "Ignore what she says, I think you're perfect."

The little sniffled and nodded softly, still holding onto him. He wanted, and did, slip into littlespace, whining quietly. Frank noticed this and pulled away, sitting on the bed and patting his lap which Gerard weakly sat on, curling up as small as he could. The younger wrapped his arms around him, one behind his back and the other under his legs, rocking him gently.

As Frank rocked him, he felt his headspace get smaller and smaller. The little whined again, pointing at his bedside drawer. Frank opened it and saw a red and pink paci inside. He handed it to Gerard who popped it in his mouth and sucked quietly, calming down a bit.

Frank looked down at him and stroked his hair gently. "Little one, I've got a question." He watched the little suck on the paci and look back up to meet his eyes. "Have you got a daddy, by any chance?"

Gerard shook his head sadly and looked down, curling into him more.

"Would you like me to be your daddy?" Frank gave him a small smile as the little looked up at him again with big, wondrous eyes, nodding quickly.

"Yes pwease." Gerard mumbled around his paci, smiling softly and cuddling into him more.

Frank giggled softly and kissed his forehead. "Of course, baby boy."

They sat there, Frank rocking Gerard as he sucked on his paci, for a few moments of bliss before someone suddenly slammed the door open. 

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