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I wanna tell you a story
It's one of heartache and redemption
The bitter pill called reality tarnished a promising relationship
But no one was ready to let go so I figured that I'd mediate it
I hope you enjoy this tale as much as I'm going to enjoy telling it.

Him- I wanna give you your dreams
But you feel the need to deny
I know he hurt you my queen
But I'm your shoulder now if you have to cry

I wanna capture your soul
And embrace it till you can't take it
Not tell you lies and fake it
For I know that'll make you cold

It's you I wanna behold
In your craters deep your layers speak
And I try to answer the call
But you push me back and say no

I wanna make you fulfilled
But what more can I do
He hurt you and it's not fair
Yet I don't know why I feel the chill

All I wanna do is be there for you
Care for you, cherish you
Maybe marry you so you make the decision
On this infinite love that I can spare for you

Her- I wanna let you in
But I'm not ready to tear my wall down
I've been battered from brawls now
It's no way I can let you in

When these hollow doors
Have been shackled tight
Broken down in a massive fight
And now you come through my path of life saying you offer more

It's a bittersweet type of feeling
For you've proven yourself to be ready
But I'm not of any sort I'm finally moving steady
I know that this is heavy my burden that I'm revealing

You've waited patiently for me
Yet my cold heart isn't warm
Your touch can't even help I have to raise the alarm
I'm sorry but with this pain I just can't agree

So after seeing the situation I had to intervene
I mean it's something obviously here
So let me see if I can help

From the conviction within his statement I think it's fair to assess
That this man wants what's good for you not like the rest
But you're bruised lady I get it it's no need to rush
For if this is meant to be then it'll flow with a touch

Did you feel it that rush between you two
That warmth within your heart as he touched something in you
That spark within her eyes with no lust that was true
So is it fair to say now that no one is uncomfortable

He'll be your dream as he said I feel it and sense no lies
You just have to open your heart and let the loving inside
And anytime that she doubts you have to take it in stride
Plus reassure her that your loving is a priority and prize

So I'll send you on your way with the tools for the job
For you sir you have to listen and be there when she sobs
For you ma'am take it slowly and build at your pace
And you'll have a great relationship with this gentleman it's safe

No more broken pieces I expect them to be restored
So go home and do the work to know it's duly assured
Take your woman and help build up the structure that was shattered
And you take your man and make loving stronger it truly does matter.

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