Remember Me

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When the music has stopped
Will you still be here to dance
Will I still be your favorite
Will you still hold my hand

When the curtains have closed
Will you still be a fan
Will my words warm you heart
As you heard them from the stands

When this is over and done
Will you embrace what was said
Like the lyrics to the song
Will I still play in your head

When I give you free advice
Will you feel the need to heed
Will you take it and be better
Or choose to vacate your seat

When my life work is finished
Will you speak on my image
Will I be that light knight
Who's role never diminished

I'm asking all of these questions
For I've given my heart endlessly
So when I'm done I wanna know
Will anyone remember me?

Different Tonesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن