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-Lisa got an opportunity from JYP Entertainment when she was under We Zaa Cool with GOT7 Bambam in Thailand, but she still choose YG.

-DJ Snake followed Lisa on Instagram.

-Rosé said Lisa is very cool and powerful when she dances.

-Lisa wants to try having pink hair.

-Lisa said she will get rid of her bangs when she reaches a certain age because she cam't have bangs forever.

-Lisa said she practically eats hot pot every week because she loves it so much. Another Chinese dish she likes is stir-fried eggs with tomatoes.

-An agent from a management company thought Lisa was a contestant on 'Youth with You' and wanted to sign her because he thought she had a great qualities to be a trainee only to find out she was the mentor.

-Lisa was planning to study abroad in Australia before she auditioned for YGE.

-When Lisa was a trainee, her classes would be 12:00 pm to 12:00 am but she kept practicing until 3:00 am to 4:00 am.

-During the 5 years as a trainee, Lisa would be the one to check the movements and formation for dancing.

-Lisa said the members usually orders supper, watches movies, and sleep late at night.

-Lisa has been liking ring earrings recently.

-When Lisa looks at herself in the mirror of her makeup vanity, she thinks "what bag should I match today?"

-Lisa joined the Chinese survival show 'NianShaoYouNi' (Idol Producer) as a dance mentor.

-Lisa's father opposed Lisa of being an idol at first because he was so worried about sending her to another country alone.

-Rosé was the one who asked Lisa to sing with her for the Private Stage.

Lisa said she was the youngest trainee at YGE before Rosé came and when Rosé joined the company, Lisa felt like she got a twin.

-Lisa said she was less talkative back then but thanks to Jisoo, she started talking a lot more.

-Lisa's new kitten is named Lily. Lily and her twin's parent are Luca and Jennie the cat. They were born while Lisa was on their tour concert in Melbourne.

-Lisa pretends to text on her phone to take a picture of the members barefaced.

-When Lisa went to Thailand for New Years, the kids there taught her the 'Taxi' dance and 'Shooting Star' dance.

-When they were in Europe, Lisa went to Build-a-Best workshop and bought a stuffed bunny and clothes for it too.

-Lisa watched the film 'Aladdin (2019)' in 4D. The seats moved and they also sprayed water.

-Lisa said chocolate milk and pizza goes well together.

-When Lisa was getting her passport photo taken, she was going to have it taken with a straight face at first. Then they told her she could smile a little so she smirked in the photo.

-When Lisa was a trainee and she finished her monthly evaluations, she would Skype her mom and tell her about her day.

-When Lisa was renewing her Thai passport, the officer there said Lisa was kind, cute, and always smiled through their conversation. Lisa gave her an autograph and wrote 'HBD.'

-When Lisa was younger, she got stung by a bee on the helix of her ear.

-She said she would like to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

-According to Rosé, Lisa would get tired of hiking right away.

-Lisa didn't do a LILIFILM in Paris because there wasn't anyone to film.

-Since Lisa lives far away form home and her family, her cats make her feel less lonely because they're her family too.

-Lisa's inspiration for 'LILIFILM' is when she saw a couple's film. The boyfriend took videos of his girlfriend travelling to Osaka so Lisa tried doing that with Jisoo.

-Lisa is going learn how to edit videos so she can finish a film for her Youtube channel alone.

-Lisa learned the 'Take Me' dance in two hours and caught on by watching when Honey J couldn't teach her choreo in detail.

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