A Early-Winter's School Night Dream

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It was normal night. I'd gone to bed on-time and showered and wrapped my hair like normal. It was the middle of the night when it hit me. It was a strange and unusual dream, unlike any other I'd had before. It was wild and untamed, forever spiralling into an abyss of weirdness.

The dream began as a simple one, I was a boy(sigh...weird I know) and I'd begun talking to a girl online. It wasn't romantic or anything since she was lesbian(some random detail I received). After a while of conversating via the internet, she revealed to me that a girl she went to school with was claiming that they were biological sisters. Over the course of years, this girl and I had been talking and our friendship became as natural as breathing. After a while, the girls decided to host a party where they'd reveal the results of the DNA test. I was invited and was happy to attend.

The party was fun, but around the middle I decided I wanted to explore. I made it into the living room before being snatched back by my trusted friend. She whispered for me to follow her and she led me to a room full of prototype wedding dresses. We donned them, despite my being a male and quickly snuck into the unreasonably massive library. This was weird because their house looked like a regular suburban family home on the outside. Anyway, she went looking for something in the library while I followed behind her with some kind of light source. Soon after we began looking, the family butler came in and began looking for us. Me, being the loyal Hufflepuff friend I am, decided to distract him.

Then my point of view changed drastically. It was like I was in a video game. I could see the outline of my character and the butler standing at the doorway and the girl creeping through the library. I walked to the other end of the room and dropped a book on the ground. The butler swiftly followed as I ran to yet another bookshelf and made noise. This continued for a couple minutes before he caught me. Using inhuman strength, he grabbed me by my collar and slammed me into a bookcase. I was back in first person view by the way. He muttered angry words although his face said otherwise," I should've never allowed you near the young mistress."

Then, in a swift motion, he dropped me to the ground. His left hand was engulfed in blue flames and as quick as lightning he had two circular objects within his fiery grasp. Those circular objects just so happened to be my testicles. The flames from his hand quickly set my balls ablaze, burning them to a charred crisp. And then, I woke up.

Now I deal with the horrible pain of forever trying to forget this dream. The challenge forever growing larger as it sneaks back into my thoughts when it's quiet and I'm alone. I'll be telling this story to my children before they leave, telling them to not trust the internet or their mother's crazy dreams.

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