Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I am so SO sorry it has been so long since i've updated, school has been killing me, I have bene putting in extra hours for extra credit stuff to get my grades up and I literally have not had time for anything. I have honest to god seen my boyfriend once in the last three weeks (we go to different schools). I could have just put up a short chapter update with what I had written for the beginning of the chapter but I didn't want to do that to you guys so I opted to wait until I had completed the full chapter of what I wanted to cover in this one. My plan is to write one more chapter after this one and then do any epilogue that will be snapshots of life after Ariel starts at Hogwarts. This will include both parts of her life and Draco/Harrys. Again so sorry for the long break in between chapter updates but I hope you guys like it!

Harry Potter POV:

His cousin had a talent for interrupting him and Draco at the worst possible times. He had called him the next day asking how to owl which Harry had explained to him in the middle of being sucked off by his fiancé. And then a week later they had been making chocolate chip cookies which had led to Draco making a mess all over their kitchen and himself that Harry had felt compelled to clean up using only his tongue, when his cousin had attempted to FaceTime him. A request that was quickly denied.

Nevertheless, two weeks later on a rare sunny afternoon, Draco and Harry were set to meet Ariel and Dudley in Hogs Head. The fiancé's had grabbed a corner booth and were sipping their drinks whilst waiting in the arrival of the rest of their party.

"Hey Dray?"


"Is this, you know, weird for you at all? If you are uncomfortable, I understand, you can leave." Harry ground out quickly, peering at up at Draco from under his eyelashes. Draco took his hand, a serene look on his face.

"Harry, I promise you I want to be here. They are going to be my family soon too, correct?" Harry nodded silently.

"I want to get to know them, despite how Dudley treated you in the past, he seems to have grown up and past it. And Ariel is an adorable little girl. To be perfectly honest, she reminds me an awfully lot of Granger." Draco continued. Harry made a slight face at the use of "Granger", it did not go unnoticed by Draco. He smiled and shook his head.

"I love you, but calling her Hermione to her face is one thing. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get into the habit of calling her it without her physical presence."

"I love you too Dray." Harry replied laughing, leaning in for a kiss. The bell tinkled and they broke apart to see a tense Dudley and a wide-eyed Ariel coming through the door. Harry called them over and waved to the waitress for two more drinks.

"Uncle Harry!" Ariel cooed sliding into the booth followed closely by her Dad. Harry didn't think he'd ever be able to really grasp the concept of how good of a father his cousin was shaping up to be. He shook himself out of his thoughts as Draco intertwined his fingers through his own underneath the table, out of the sightline of their guests. Harry looked at Ariel who was looking shyly at Draco and then to Draco who had a nervous look on his face. It almost reminded Harry of the time Draco had been turned into a ferret by imposter-Moody during fourth year. The look Draco now wore was a albeitly older version but the nervousness was still there. Stifling his laughter, Harry turned to his cousin and niece.

"Hello Dudley. Hi Ariel." He responded to Ariel's energetic greeting.

"Hi Ariel." A nervous Draco added.

"Hi Uncle Draco!" Ariel said spryly. Dudley nodded his greetings to Draco and Draco followed suit.

"So Ariel," Harry began, breaking the silence. "Are you ready?"

"I am so ready! I have my list here, and I already researched the best places to go for all my supplies." The girl answered jumping up and pulling a yellow with unicorn stickers folder out of her red pack. She was dressed in blue trainers, green leggings, a pink butterfly dress and a jean jacket plus her red pack. Smiling Harry looks at Draco, thinking about how well she'd get along with both Luna and Hermione. One look at his fiancee was all it took to confirm that he was think the same things. Smiling they returned there attention to the 11 year old who was now going on about the differences between quills both in regards to being cruelty free and colour wise.

(A/N: I love both Luna and Hermione and I wanted to combine them into Ariel, I'm sorry if that's cringy or whatever but y'all will just have to deal. Comment your opinion on it! I love getting both positive and negative feedback)

Finishing their drinks, Draco and Harry stood up from the table, smiling.

"So Ariel," Draco began.

"Are you ready to enter the world of witches and wizards?"

A/N: (I've had a lot of authors notes in this chapter, I know I'm sorry oops.) Anyway, this chapter was going to be longer but this part ended up being longer than planned and I figured where I ended it was an okay place to end it. I will try and get the next chapter up within the next week or so, I have a long weekend coming up so I should have some free time to write. This will end up being at least another 4 chapters probably, and I would like t complete it by Christmas if I can. I guess I should post this chapter now because its midnight, I have school tomorrow and my laptop is at 6%. I hope y'all liked this (slightly shorter) chapter, please comment your reviews and suggestions!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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