first thought.

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         October 24th 2017 10:14 pm 

aren't they all insane?  there's over 8 billion of us on this earth yet, we still can't get along, we don't know how everyone feels, nor do we care.

Human life is just another casualty. when someone gets pregnant it's oh yeah congratulations, good luck. when someone dies, only the people who knew them care. because human life doesn't matter to anyone unless our selfishness brought them to us because they helped us through a lot. We don't start a bond with someone until they help because we're selfish. When someone gets murdered it's more of an, oh okay. it happens. There is no shock content anymore because our lives have been dulled to a point of no satsifaction. We're so used to people dying to the point of "we need population control" 8 billion people. 8 billion thoughts. 8 billion different voices, heartbeats, and feelings.

But only 23 days ago hundreds of people were killed in vegas, for no reason. They were innocent to an extent. they didn't do anything to that man yet he still killed them out of selfish anger.

I don't know why he killed those people. I don't know why he killed himself. people don't know people but people change people.

whoever is reading this, doesn't know my feelings. they don't know what I say on a day to day basis. they don't know my highs, or my lows. The things that make me sad. the things that make me happy.

Nobody knows what anyone is feeling until someone says how they are feelings. Which is where communication comes in. I don't like to talk to people I don't know, people I don't like, people who don't like me.

To me, talking to someone is a great value. talking to someone is listening to how they pronounce words, how they use their grammar and how they use their hands when they talk. It's listening to what they have to say because when someone talks it has to go through their mind first. so it's like listening to someone's thoughts come out of their mouth, just to be said to you.

I like looking into the eyes of this one person when they talk to me. because they look right back into mine. Normally, I get scared when people look into my eyes but these people have soft brown eyes and it makes it easier. When they talk they look at me and they face towards me and give me complements throughout their words because they know I can't keep eye contact and they know I get scared talking to people for too long. not many people know that. And I appreciate them, a lot.

I love to listen to people and watch people. Looking at people through their everyday activities is a natural way to learn how a person acts.

I like people. sometimes society gets on my everlast nerve, but people interest me.

How do other people see things? How do other people feel things? Why are their so many people on this earth and we still don't know how to treat others properly?

Questions I commonly ask myself and others. I've yet to get the answer. But I will keep listening to people the way I do. I will keep loving the thought that someone wants to share their internal thoughts with me. I will always appreciate what others have to say whether I agree or not. They still have feelings which I don't understand because I have feelings of my own.

So yeah people. what a wonderful thing.

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