Chapter 27

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"Oh, Nothing. I just heard you were in town on some..tour thing, and I got to thinking that's it's been a while since I saw you. I thought I'd pay you a visit" He says. I felt uneasy. Alan wrapped his arm around me letting me know he was there.

"You saw me. Now, Excuse me" I say and try to push past him. Alan tried to slide by as well.

"Are you not going to day 'Hi' to me?" Maggie asks stepping in front of me.

"Uh, Hi" I say. "Can we leave now?" I ask.

"No. No, introduce us to your new boyfriend" Jacob says still keeping that huge smirk on his face.

"Fiance" Alan corrects him.

"Whoa! Look at that rock, Jake" Maggie says and grabs my hand. She slides the ring off my finger before I can even stop her.

"Give it back" I say and snatch it out her hands. She gives me a dirty look.

"I can't belive you found love after me" Jacob says. " You were so heartbroken and in love with me. It was kind of amusing to watch you fall apart".

"Jake, please.." I say. He smiles.

"If you don't mind, we have a busy schedule tomorrow and need to get back on our hotel" Alan intervenes.

"I'm not done with you yet" Jacob says and gets closer to Alan.

"Well, I am done" Alan says. "We haven't done anything to you guys, just let us go on with our night".

"Jakey, let's go" Maggie pleads.

"No. I said I'm not done with this guy yet" Jacob says getting in Alan's face.

"Dude, Walk away" Alan says.

"If you're looking for a fight, you've got one" Jacob replies.

"I'm not looking for anything" Alan says. "Just get out of my face".

"What if I don't" He says.

"You don't want to find out what will happen" Alan says sternly. I've never seen him this angry before.

"I do" Jacob says and pushes Alan. Alan doesn't let that keep him from pushing him right back. Alan tries to step in front of me, but the only thing that did was cause me to get hurt. When Jacob pushed Alan, Alan fell into me, and that made me fall backwards into a glass wall.

When Alan realized what happened, He rushed into the building that I had fell into and Jacob and Maggie rain away quickly.

"Baby, Are you okay" He asks. I was bleeding. My back and my neck hurt.

"Y-Yeah, but neck hurts" I say he looks at my neck.

"Oh, God" He says. "We need to get you to the hospital". Before I could even reply back, He was on the phone calling an ambulance. When the ambulance got there, They put me on the stretcher and got me into the back, then took off.

***Alan's POV***

They had to take Laiken to get examined and wouldn't let me come in. I sat in the waiting room and called Lettie. In no time, Lettie and Jenna were at the hospital.

"What happened?" Lettie asks frantically. I could tell she had been crying.

"We...We had a run in with Jacob and Maggie. I was standing in front of her and Jacob pushed me into her and made her fall through a glass wall" I explain.

"I'll kill him!" Lettie yells making fists with her hands.

"Hey, No, That won't solve anything" Jenna says and grabs Lettie by her wrists. Lettie was holding back tears with her anger. Jenna managed to push her into a seat in the waiting room. Jenna and I sat on either side of her. Soon, the doctor came in to talk to us.

"Well, The good news is that this accident could have been much worse that it was. Laiken has quite a few scratches on her back, One that is going to require a lot of stitches" Doctor Spencer says.

"Bad news?" I ask.

"There is a shard of glass lodged in her neck. It's about 8 inches long. We're going to have to surgically remove it" He says.

"Surgery?!" Lettie exclaims.

"Its a Simple Procedure. It will take about an hour or so" He says.

"Is...Is she awake?" I ask.

"Yes, and she's asking for you" He says. "She can't stop talking about her fiance". I couldn't help but smile.

"Go see her, Alan" Jenna says. Lettie and I will be in there in a few minutes. I nod and get up. When I walked into Laiken's room, Her face lit up.

"Babe?" I say.

"Hey" She says.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, Just in pain. The doctors say I need surgery" She says. I take her hand in my and run my hand over the diamond ring I gave her hours before any of this happened.

"You're going to do great" I say.

"Only because I'll have the best prize of all waiting for me when it's over" She says. I smile knowing that I was her prize.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you, too" She says. I kiss her before Lettie and Jenna walk in. I knew it was going to be difficult for Lettie because Laiken was her little sister, and they were closer than anything. I knew Lettie wished it was her and not Laiken. She would do anything to take Laiken's pain away.

Jenna, Lettie, and I sat in the waiting room in silence while Laiken was in surgery. All I could do was pray. I loved that girl more than life. I was going to marry her. She was going to be my wife.

A/N: alan is SOOO in love with laiken. i love it!

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