Chapter 18

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***Laiken's POV***

We got back to the hotel late last night. I didn't get to see Alan, and when I tried to call him, he didn't pick up. This morning when I went to the hotel cafe, He was in there.

"Babe, you didn't answer my call" I say.

"Uh, I...Must've fell asleep" He says.

"Oh, Well, What did you do yesterday?" I ask and sit across from him.

"N-Nothing" He answers.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Uh, Yeah" He says. "Why?".

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I say.

"Oh, What?" He asks.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Hayley dated?" I ask.

"What? How did you know about that? What did she tell you?" He asks frantically.

"Nothing. Jenna and Lettie told me" I answer. "But that's not what I wanted to know. Why didn't you tell me?".

"I-I don't know. I didn't think too" He answers.

"You said we didn't have secrets" I say.

"Are you mad?" He asks.

"Not really, maybe, I don't know" I answer.

"Laiken, I know I should've told you, but it was in the past so I didn't" He says.

"No. No, It's fine" I say and stand up. "I've got to get back upstairs, though. The girls are going to be wondering where I was".

"Okay" He says. "And, Laiken, Don't believe anything that Hayley tells you".

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I didn't really mind anymore that he didn't tell me about his past relationship. As long as it was in the past.

***Lettie's POV***

Laiken had been downstairs in the cafe for a while, and Jenna and I were in our hotel room. Jenna, Laiken, and I all shared a room, and Brittany and Hayley shared one. I was currently lying in bed scrolling through twitter. I wasn't paying much attention until I saw Alan's name in a headline. I read the story.

"Holy Shit! Jenna come look at this!" I yell. She walks over and sits beside me.

"Oh, My God" She says. We both read the headline out loud.

"Dancing With The Stars Pro Alan Bersten was spotted kissing a fellow dancer who is NOT his girlfriend, Laiken Davis".

"There's...There's a picture" I say. I clicked the picture and saw Alan kissing Hayley in the gym at three hotel. Rage came over me, and I ran straight to Hayley's room and walked in without knocking. Brittany was sitting on the bed.

"Where's Hayley?" I ask sternly. I was incredibly protective over Laiken. I mean, she was my baby sister.

"She said something about wanting to talk to Alan" Brittany answered. I didn't bother saying anything back, I just stormed out of the room. "Lettie, what happened?" Brittany yells back. I didn't answer. I went to the elevator and found Alan, Laiken, Jenna, and Hayley all standing there. I knew what was about to happen wasn't going to be pretty.

***Laiken's POV***

As I was coming up to the room on the elevator, Hayley was waiting for it to go down. Alan had also decided to come up with me. As Alan, Hayley, and I were talking, Jenna ran up, but before she could say anything, Lettie was there.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She screams and pushes Haley against the wall. Alan puts his hand out to protect me. "No, Don't you even try to act like you care about her!" She yells at Alan. Jenna grabs my arm and tries to pull me away.

"What the hell!" Hayley yells.

"Lettie, What has gotten into you?" Alan asks.

"This has" She says and holds up her phone. Hayley doesnt react,  and Alan's face goes white.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Oh, Alan, Please do tell her" Lettie says. Alan looks at Hayley and then at Jenna.

"Uh, Hayley, you're coming with me" Jenna says and practical drags her away.

"Alan?" I ask. I felt my face getting hot, and I was becoming worried.

"Laiken, Yesterday...when you were gone, I was in the gym, and Hayley came in and told me she wanted me back, but I said 'No', and before I could do anything else...".

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can I tell her alone?" Alan asks Lettie.

"No" She says quickly. "Because I'm the one that's going to have to pick up the pieces, now tell her or I will".

"Hayley and I...We...We kissed" He says. My heart dropped. Tears rushed to my cheeks. "Laiken, Im-". Before he could say anything, I ran away. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I didn't want to see him. he betrayed me. He did everything that he promised me he never would.

A/N: poor laiken is heartbroken...what will happen next?

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