Chapter 4

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Everyone. Stay Strong

I woke up refreshed after a nice long dream of Nathaniel. Argh, why am I dreaming of him. Whatever I am just not going to think about it. I hear my stomach rumbles and sigh. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I went down to the kitchen to grab some veggies. Everyone eats healthy in the pack to keep are strength up. We also exercise daily to keep in maximum shape. I head straight for the carrots. Carrots are high in calories which gives me more energy to run and such. I also got out some cucumbers, cauliflower, and some peppers. I put some ranch into a tiny bowl and started eating. About 5 minutes late my dad barges into the house seething mad. He looked ready to explode.

"Father, what's wrong?" I say as he sits down at the table.

"I will tell what's wrong. Your mother didn't send a messenger with any money. She always send it on Sunday before noon and it's 12:15." he says punching the wall making a hole in it. Mother? I approach him slowly.

"Father, Mom has been dead for weeks. Her funeral was on Friday." I say each word nice and slow. He looks at me then falls to the floor and crys his eyes out. I reach out to comfort him when he grabs my wrist. I look him in the eye and all I find is rage. He grabs the other wrist and throws me across the room. I hate the wall with a huge thud.

'Alex, I have a problem. Don't tell your father your coming though.' I tell him urgently.

'On my way, babe' Alex tells me confused. My dad starts towards me.

"Dad, calm down....please" I begged him. I might be next in line Alpha and stronger then most wolves but, my dad outranks me until I get the Alpha title. So he is stronger then I am. He was almost to me now, so I ran for the back door. He grab my hair and threw me through the back door. When I land, I land on my left side. Huge amount of pain shoots through my body. I start trying to taking the glass out of my body. Our back door is one of those all glass sliding door. I still feel a bunch of glass in me but I stop trying to find it and see if anything is broken. I believe I broke all my ribs this time and my whole left arm feels useless. I even think I broke my left shoulder. I try to move my shoulder and more pain shots through my body. Something moves in my line of vision. I look up and see my dad standing over me. Alex comes out from the bushes and tackles my dad. Alex started punching him. Before I could tell him to stop I hear a booming voice called out to Alex.

"Alexander, STOP!" The Alpha said as he goes over to him and grabs him by the collar. Alex immediately stops and walks over to me. He picks me up bridal style, I whimper, and carrys me to his house and puts me on a guest bed.

"Since when am I a regular guest" I ask him trying to lighten the mood. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"You are not. However, I think you appreciate not getting blood on your bed" He chuckles to himself. Right that moment the pack doctor walks in. He looks at me and laughs.

"Back so soon, I see Lina." he tells me as he gets out his tools. He then proceeds to put all my bones ing the right place.

Hours later~~~~~~~~~~

The doctor finished and left without another word. Alex comes in and takes me to my room.

"You are going to stay here for awhile until your father is better. The Doc says you are not aloud to shift till tomorrow night. Is that clear?" he looks in my eyes. I nod my head. "Good." he continues " Lina, what happened today."

"I...uh...he forgot that....he freaked's not unusual that he.....uh....he usually stops before he really hurts me" I say quietly.

"You mean he has tried to hurt you before" he yells at me. I shrink back into my bed. My brother can be pretty scary when he wants to be. I just nod my head.

"Why would you live with him. You know you have a place here." he says sternly.

"I couldn't leave him all alone. I'm sorry" I tell him. And looks at me with sympathy. He squeezes my hand and the starts to leave but he stops.

"If anything had happened to you I would have blame me for not noticing. Now get some sleep. We have school tomorrow" he then exits the room. Oh yeah, I have to go to school. Our pack sends out teenagers to human school and try to find lone werewolves. Alex and I got sent to the same school and we pose as brother and sister. We actually found two werewolves and tomorrow is when we bring them home. However, tomorrow we have a field trip to a nature forest or something. Should be fun. I started thing of wolves and my dad as I drifted into the land of dreams and sleep.

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