Chapter 8- Will you help me?

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Dear diary,

Today, I met my new partner in the work. He was a great guy named Tyler.

Michael glared to himself...He didn't care about the stupid guy! He wanted to know about (Y/n).

He was awsome. Pretty shy, but still veryyy coool!!!

Nobody cares about him! sTOp TaLkiNG aBOuT HiM!

He had a hair sooo gorgeous!


But anyway...He wasn't from my school, and he knew Michael when he was on the kindergarden...

Wait...Kindergarden? Does that mean he was Tyler Anderson? That guy that was surrouded by lots of girls? Michael remembered him...He hadn't so much bad memories about him...He never messed with him, and he kept always his distance...Now that he thought about it...He remeber a lot of the kindergarden. Maybe it was the best time of his life...

He knew that I was friends with Michael in the past, and even so...He treated me good and I could let go all the pain that I was feeling with him...

Michael was walking throught the houses of Haddonfield. He had discovered that this 'Tyler guy' still lives in Haddonfield. And he was almost discovering his house. He wouldn't kill him, because, as in the diary seemed, he wasn't bad to (Y/n). In fact, while he readed another pages of the diary. He was her only friend, after she came back to Haddonfield. That made Michael a bit jelous, but also, connected with the man. He would go there, saying that he came in piece.

He finally reached his house. It was a white house, pretty smilar to (Y/n)'s old house. There were no lights in the house, and it was pretty dark.

Michael looked through the window and he saw a TV passing soccer. There was a guy looking at it. Michel thought if he was that Tyler guy. He opened the diary to check the description that (Y/n) had on her diary.

Well...He was a bit different...Fatter and with a undone beard. Michael tilted his head. Tyler had not that young and fresh appearance that was in (Y/n)'s diary...Strange...Michael wasn't sure if it was Tyler or his father. His beard was undone. He looked even worse that Michael himself, and he just ran away from an asylum where he spent 15 years.

Tyler was eating popcorns while watching what it seemed to be a soccer game. Michael thought of a plan to get the man's attention, but carefully, to not make him afraid, that would lead to unessecary harming and Michael only killed on Halloween, that would be in 5 days.

He tried knocking on the window, that wasn't the best idea but Michael couldn't think in another way, so, knocking on the window should work. And with success, the man looked at Michael, letting a scream and going away to the kitchen.

The plan had worked, but not in the way that Michael expected. He needed to do something, so he broke the window, getting in the white and small house. He looked for Tyler. He wasn't in the kitchen, which was a pretty strange thing. He was sure that the man had gone to the kitchen. But then, he felt a slight pain on his back, but nothing too intense. Michael turned back and he found Tyler with a knife, he had carved the objet on his back.

"What do you want?! Why are you here?!" Tyler asked still holding his bloody knife "Why aren't you feeling any pain?"

As he passed a lot of time in the asylum, he wasn't much of a talker, so he simply showed his knife, making Tyler holding his strongly, and then throwed it down. That meaned that he didn't want to harm him. He just wanted answers. Of course, that if that man carved his knife on his body again, he couldn't be help it. He was already making a enormous effort in not to kill that man. But he needed his help to kill the others. For (Y/n).

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