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YOU LOOKED better today, Riles.

Maybe you were good at hiding your emotions, or maybe you managed to recover from what was affecting you yesterday but you looked better today.

Your golden hair was curled effortlessly the way it always is, makeup perfectly intact.

You looked refreshed and joyful.

Though, your eyes were telling me something different.

Your eyes gave away everything.

The way they drooped ever so slightly, the way their sparkle was dulled.

You didn't think anyone noticed it.

I did, Riles.

You went through your day as you always do, flying through it smoothly.

You got good grades, good friends, good looks and most importantly, you got Jason.

He seems perfect for you, but I know you.

I know he's not.

He cheats on you, did you know that?

I don't know why you're still with him, he treats you horribly.

My mind tells me it's jealousy, that he's actually amazing for you and that you're going to get married some day.

Is that true?

I hope it's not true.

You're too good for him.

Damnit, I don't think I could name one person who deserves you.


Of course I don't deserve you. I wish I did.

I would give you my everything if you was mine, Riles.

Whenever he kisses you, your mind is always else where.

I've always wondered what it is you think about while his lips linger on your cheek, while everyone is 'aww'ing at how 'incredibly cute' you guys are.

You don't pay attention to your friends, either.

I don't think they're even your friends.

Of course, Molly is, but anytime anyone else makes a remark, I see you roll your eyes subtly, or rub your forehead in annoyance.

You don't have to put up with them, you know.

Everyone would still like you if they weren't in the picture.

I know I would.


Question of the chapter: What group would you say you're in at school? That is, if you're still at school. If not, which group did you used to be in. I don't really think my group has a name as we all have different hobbies but I guess you'd say we're not part of the "popular" group but as socialise with lots of people, including people from said "popular" group. I love you all. See you soon!

-O x

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