Last day of school

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Emma wakes up to a very sunny day. "HELL YEAH ITS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE SUMMER," she screams like see has seen a murderer. "Emma be quit me and your dad are trying to sleep,"  said her mom in a very sleepy voice. Emma gets up super slowly and goes to her closet, picks out a very pretty out fit and puts it on. She thinks for a while and goes down stair to have some breakfast. She makes some pancakes for her and her mom and her dad. "Mom, dad your pancakes are ready," Emma shouts with a little whisper voice. She gets no respond. Emma enjoys her pancakes knowing she won't have to deal with no more home work or no more school for 2 months.  "OH GOD" shouts  Emma in a low voice. She had just remembered about that one last piece of homework. "It's the last day the teachers will be nice (I hope)" she says in a not so confident voice. "Bye mom bye dad love y'all" she say waiting for them to reply "bye love u" they both shout back. Emma leaves the house to wait for the bus. While Emma waits for the bus she texts mazy her bff!
Emma: Mazy are u coming down before the bus comes
Mazy: I thought u were coming to my house
Emma: oh u come to my porch
Mazy: kk just coming
Emma: kk
Mazy sneaks behind Emma and scares her "BOOOOOOO" shouts mazy "AHHHHHHHHHHHH ARE U CRAZY U NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!!!!!" SCREAMS Emma! Mazy just laughers as they wait for the bus. The bus starts appearing round the corner of the street, as it stops Emma's house doors open and her mom comes out screaming "EMMA U FORGOT YOUR LUNCH" mazy laughs again. After Emma gets her lunch from her mom Emma and mazy go on the bus and take a seat beside each other. "HEY UGLY POOP HEAD" said Ava  the bully. Emma ignores her because she's really exited for the last day of school! "I SAID UGLY POO HEAD" Ava screams really loudly to Emma and the bus driver heard her and so did the others. The bus driver gives her a warning "Hello little girl, you do not call any one ugly poo heads do u understand," "yes" says Ava. "And if you do it again I will kick you off the bus," says the bus driver in a very ANGRY voice. As they arrive at the school Ava trips down the stair and everyone on the bus are laughing including the bus driver.  "THIS IS NOT FUNNY, ALL OF U ARE JUST MEAN AND STUPID. I WILL GET REVENGE," Ava screams and starts crying which makes everyone laughs even more. As the bell  rings and everyone goes in side it becomes chaos.
The next bell rings and everyone is so happy because it the last day, but Emma is scared because the 1st class is the one that she forgot her homework for.  They all settle in and sit down "ok children I will come over and get all your home work," says the teacher in a very soft voice.  Emma looks very scared, as the teacher approaches her Emma says "OK IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO DO MY HOME WORK," she nearly cried. Everyone just laughs what Emma never released is that she wasn't the only one who didn't do her homework "oh Emma it's ok nearly the whole class forgot." Emma smiled elegantly at the teacher and the teacher smiles back. As class ends mazy comes over to Emma and says "OMG Emma I can't believe you nearly started crying in CLASS," Emma didn't responded because she's to embarrassed. They have a 5 min break and then the next bell rings. Everyone goes to their next class which for Emma and mazy is history class. They have a man teacher who is a bit moody. As everyone sits down and calms down the history teacher starts explaining the lesson. They have to finish the ww2 topic. They all start learning about WW2, after that the bell rings and they all have break for half an hour. They have a little snack Emma has a croissant and mazy has a apple. After a short break they go to their next period which is chemistry mazy and Emma HATE chemistry it's their worst period because the teacher is really mean and it's hard. "OMG, EMMA ARE YOU ONLY ACTING LIKE YOUR STUPID OR ARE YOU ACTUALLY STUPID!" Shouts the teacher AKA( Mrs Many) she hates everyone. Emma bursts into tears and runs out of class "EMMA COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE CRY BABY AND STOP CRYING!" Emma runs rapidly down the small skinny hallway all the way to the dark head teachers office. "Hello Emma what are you doing here when you should be in class right now," said the head teacher. "Well mrs many was being really mean she called me a cry baby and stupid and she shouted really loud at me," says Emma is a scared voice "well Emma I will have a chat with mrs many and we will see what happens," says the head teacher "ok, but if you need any of proof ask everyone in the class," says Emma she's really terrified. 4 hours later school ends for 2 months.
Everyone goes home and doesn't some back for 2 months. As Emma get home her mom and dad are standing at the door " aye what's up mom and dad?" Said Emma looking very confused. "Well, um, I don't know how to tell you this but," "BUT WHAT?" Shouts Emma "well me and your dad bought a new house in LA so we have to move TODAY!" Reply's her mom "MOM ARE YOU CRAZY I CANT LEAVE MAZY SHES MY BFF WHYf WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Shouts Emma and runs into her room. "EMMA COME BACK IT'LL BE OK!" SHOUTS HER MOM "NO IT WONT WE HAVE TO LEAVE TOMORROW !"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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