C1 | breakfast

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"Rough night?" She was sprawled across the couch under a blanket, watching him as he stumbled through the door.

He turned and flashed her a guilty grin, "didn't mean to wake you up, sorry."

"How'd you know I was asleep?" More like trying to, he thought.

"I just knew. Y'know you should really sleep in your bed, couch cricks aren't good for your neck." He said as he wandered towards the kitchen. She followed after him.

He was searching the fridge vigorously.

"Hungry?" He only grunted in response. Pooja pried him away and sat him down at the island. She pulled out some eggs and bacon and a pan.

"What are you doing?" He asked, stomach growling loudly.

"I can't get to sleep so I might as well make myself useful, we both know you'd give yourself food poisoning if I let you feed yourself."

His stomach churned at her words but not for food. He stood up to move behind her, "Pooja, I am really sorry for waking you up. It was a dick move since you barely sleep anyway."

She turned to face him, blushing slightly when she realised how close he was, "you can make it up to me by eating," she said, pushing the plate of bacon and eggs into his chest.

He grinned at her, "I think I can do better. What if I lick the plate clean?"

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