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Mental illness is not a cute, cuddly thing that happens to everyone all the time. Having depression and being depressed are two totally different things. To sit there and be depressed doesn't mean someone is sat alone feeling sad, even though it could also mean that. Don't think you don't have a mental illness because you don't act the same as everyone thinks a depressed person should act.
Mental illness is not meant to be adorable, it isn't meant to be something that you can bring up easily because it's actually nothing and is "all in your head". A broken arm isn't cute. A bruise, or cut, is not something that people "aww" at or tell someone to get over because they're over reacting. Just because others cannot see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Don't let others' doubt become yours. If you think something is wrong with you, it is better to go to a professional, or someone you trust, and talk to them about it. Even if it turns out to be something that is short-term, it's better to find out about it before it becomes long term.
Remember that there are others out there who are dealing with similar things to you.
Notice I said "dealing with similar things" and not "dealing with the same things". Everyone is different when it comes to these things. Some people have depression due to a chemical imbalance in their brains, some have it due to a cruddy life, some have it because of both. Some people have anxiety because of overly-strict parents, some just have it because they're in a new situation and it's temporary. Some people don't mind medicinal treatment, others don't like the idea of taking pills, others are allergic. Not everyone is the same with these things.
Depression can sometimes mean being sat in a room, alone, feeling sad about events. It can sometimes mean being out in a very public place while privately feeling out of place because you're not as happy as the others at this party. An anxiety attack could be a very clear, loud thing with panicking and tears and red faces, it could be someone sat there just shaking a little or, it could be entirely mental. Schizophrenia could be someone screaming at (seemingly) themselves in the street or, muttering to themselves in the shop, maybe neither. Maybe it isn't verbal at all. Maybe it's just someone listening to what is being said and having a mental conversation with whoever they hear.
Just like a broken bone, a cut, a bruise or, a sprain, mental illnesses take time. It can take weeks, months or even years to heal and get better. The scars can sometimes last forever, or vanish with enough time. They may never heal and you may have to organise your life around them just to get by. People will roll their eyes and say that it's nothing, but, you can't believe them. You know what you have to deal with and, you know how to personally deal with it.
Mental illness isn't a pretty thing. Someone may ask for hugs when depressed, someone to talk to during a bad turn of Schizophrenia, or a hand to hold after an anxiety attack, but, that doesn't mean that mental illness is romantic. It just means that the person has a good friend or family member there to help them through the tougher times.
In the end, that's all we can hope for.

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