How to understand an introvert...

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I am, personally, an introvert. I also suffer with anxiety that leads to depression, so, I do know what I’m talking about on this one.

Introverts are not rude. Generally, they’re quite nice, they just don’t want to talk or, interact so much. If you say something and, they don’t give a verbal reply, it doesn’t mean that they hate you or, don’t want to talk to you. They can just communicate in a lot of different ways. Everyone can communicate in these ways, just, introverts choose to use them more often.
For example; as an introvert who grew up with a brother that can occasionally go deaf and, a condition that can steal my voice at random moments in my life, I know some sign language. My brother and, mum also know some, as I primarily grew up while interacting with those two people. So, whenever I don’t fancy speaking, or can’t, I use small amounts of sign language to get my point across. My brother is in Finland, so, this is now used with my mother more than anyone else in the world right now. I also used to use these non-verbal moments to teach my best friend some sign language, so she knew how to cope when I couldn’t speak.
I also use shorthand whenever I don’t feel like talking properly online, or send one word answers. Again, this was all to my best friend, who I was close with for five years, so, she generally could work out what I meant.

Introverts are not antisocial. We just don’t tend to thrive in social situations. If, by some miracle, you manage to get one of us to a party, chances are we won’t talk so much. We’ll be the one who is awkwardly standing at the edge of a group of people that our friend is in, sat on the couch or, stood in the corner praying that we aren’t noticed.
Of course, there are also extrovert-introverts! They’re amazing in a social situation with people they know. But, I’m not one of, I can’t really speak for them.
The great thing about us introverts, however, is that we thrive with certain topics of conversation. I, for example, can really be set off talking if you mention a book or, author I like. Or, perhaps, a TV show. Even a YouTuber! Get me on one of those subjects and, you’ll wish I could shut up. Certain facts in science, and space, also set me off on a talking rampage. If you can find a topic that your introverted friend really likes, you’ll see a whole new side to them that, maybe, you didn’t even know existed. Their eyes will light up and, I guarantee that the smile won’t leave their face as long as you’re interested in what they have to say.
A word of advice, though: if your introvert friend has found a topic they enjoy and, are talking about it, please do not let anyone tell them to shut up or, be rude to them. Please at least act interested. From personal experience, I know. If you set one of us off on a topic we enjoy and, we get shot down, we’ll feel like the scum of the Earth. It really upsets me, personally. Possibly worse is when an introvert starts talking and, gets really into what they’re talking about, just to realise that no one is listening. They’ll slowly go quieter, trailing off the end of their sentence because no one is listening to them in the first place. the worst.

Hanging out with an introvert doesn’t always mean conversations about your day or, going to a party. I know for a fact that I love hang out sessions where me and the person are simply chilling in the same room, doing our own thing. If you need to relax, hang out with an introvert. I’ll read a book on my bed while you mess about on my copy of Infamous for the PS3. This may just be a personal thing, but, I also don’t mind doing my own thing while you rant at me about your shitty day or, partner. It may not look like it, but, I am listening to you. People usually rant to me when they want to just vent without someone sticking their nose in every two seconds to express an opinion on your actions or, opinions.
Hanging out with an introvert can also mean deep, meaningful conversations about life. It can mean conversations about things you enjoy doing and, why. It can mean conversations that help you work out what to do next in life. It can mean getting a lot of really good advice for absolutely nothing, because your introvert friend is just speaking their mind without having to think, resulting in something you may not have thought of. Of course, this could also only happen if you’re quite close to them as they’d feel more comfortable around you, turning off their filter for a while longer than with most people. We just...hate small talk. We want soulful conversations, not the same outline for a conversation over and over again.

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