Thank Merlin

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Once I finished telling Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna, and Ginny, we decided to keep the news under wraps, the school would turn into absolute mayhem if they knew that I was the daughter of the dark lord himself. I decided that I have the absolute best friends ever. The only person who showed the slightest bit of disdain was Ron, which was better than anything I expected. Ron and I talked things out in the common room, and it helped that Ginny was behind me with her wand drawn. I could see in Neville's eyes a bit of fear, I could sense that half of him expected me to turn into Snape, but it quickly faded into pity. Harry was also sorrowful for me, but glad I was not raised to be a monster. Ginny was asking that I go to Hogsmeade with her to buy clothes and shoes, I was truly happy that she was still her normal self, prancing around like a muggle girl who was excited to go to the mall. Luna was also back to normal from the whole situation, talking about an interesting creature that I read about in the Quibbiler. But as for myself, I knew that the whole situation would change me forever, whether good, of bad, I simply do not know; but thank Merlin my friends understand me. (sorry for the short chapter)

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