How do I tell them?

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It hit me. How was I going to tell everyone. That the evilest wizard alive is my father, I have to deal with that on my own...I always thought that I would loose a few loved ones to Voldemort...but to loose my friendship with the Weasely's, Harry, Luna, and Neville because of him...the thought is disastrous. Time to tell the truth that looms over my head like a foreboding cloud, threatening to spill rain...and lots of it.
No way to put the inevitable behind me,here goes everything, I'm pushing all of my chips to the center of the table, to bet that friendship will prevail when everything else at the table bets against me.
"H...hhh...Harrrryyy?" My words stumbled out of my mouth unsure of what to do.
"Yes Mione?" He answered, not noticing my stutter. "We're friends right?" the words started to run around wildly in my mouth.
"Yea best friends, you're like my sister...Why?" Harry questioned me... The words started swishing around coaxing me to let them out.
"Well...ummm... I'm adopted." They started trickling out of my mouth...
"Oh...Should I offer my condolences...Should I be happy...Orrrr...What...Is it-" I cut Harry off. Deep breath... "MydadisLordVoldemorttheonewhotriedtokillyouandI'mreallysorryforthisbecauseyou'relikeabrothertomeandIhopeyou'renotmadpleasedon'tbemad!" My words finally started to break through, and gush out of my mouth like a waterfall.
"WHAT!!!!!" Ginny shouted very surprised.
"Bloody Hell!!!" Ron said exclaiming his signature phrase. Harry was silent.
"What is it guys?" Neville asked, a hint of excitement was streaked in his voice. I explained everything to Neville. His eyes widened and he scooted away while explaining that he didn't feel well.
"I think I need some air!" Ron said while standing up and storming out of the great hall. I watched as he left and I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
"I'll curse him if he says anything, it's not your fault." Ginny said with a sympathetic smile. That went as well as I could hope.

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