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Miserable isn't the word to describe how Mariah felt around her boss/soon to be ex husband. Having to work with him for her new album Butterfly made it incredibly awkward at times.

She wrote the title track months ago and it was one of the most personal songs she had ever written. She didn't know how he would feel about it, but at this point, she didn't care.

She just wanted to get all of her emotions out of her system.

"Tommy is driving me crazy. I don't know how much more I can take." Mariah sighed softly and closed her eyes as she massaged her forehead.

After announcing her separation from her husband, a lot of the friends she had disappeared and stopped talking to her. Having a friend like Trey Lorenz made life a little sweeter for her.

He's been there for her since the beginning and saw everything she went through. Anytime she needed a friend, he was one of few people she could trust.

"You can't let him break your spirit. You are so beautiful, inside and out. The mess that he put you through was unreal. He tried to control your every move."

"He did. I felt trapped. At one time, it was my dream house. It was beautiful, but something changed. He kept me locked up like a bird in a bird cage. He wasn't the man I fell in love with years ago." She quickly wiped the tears away and laughed sadly as she thought of the verbal abuse she experienced over the last three and a half years.

She still had love in her heart for him, but she wasn't in love with him.

"I was so unhappy while pretending to be the opposite. I was walking on egg shells around Tommy. It was frustrating to talk about music or anything with him."

"I'm so sorry, Mariah. I know how resilient you are and I know you're gonna get through this. I got your back."

She smiled and sighed in content before giving him a hug, laughing when he squeezed her.

"You're the best, Trey. I know I can always count on you to cheer me up."

After a lengthy studio session, Mariah decided to stay behind and listen to the final version of one of her favorites from the album, Close My Eyes.

She wrapped her arms around her legs as she rested her chin on her knees. She was trying to hold back her tears as the lyrics brought back unwanted memories.

She wanted to move on from this chapter of her life and be happy again. She was ready to date and have fun as a young and attractive woman.

It's what she deserves.

Butterfly was symbolic for her at this time of her life. It was time to let go of the past and move on to bigger and better things.

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