Chapter 1 part 1

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(Réh's P.O.V*). *-looks at the bottom for definitions

When I first transferred to this school in Seoul, I was warned not to get involved with the son of the Min Family, Min Yoongi. The way the described him, they made it seem like he was some sort of cold, heartless creature crafted from the darkest of nightmares. They said he was cold to the touch and had a tongue like a razor blade. They said falling for him was a foolish quest because he would cut you with his razor sharp words as if you were the paper to his scissors. The problem was, they were so worried telling me all these cruel, dark things about him that they could only see through the surface, they didn't warn me about his beauty.
His beauty is breathtaking. I first saw him by accident. I was just looking for a quite place to work on my Psychology homework (a/n: The Réh that inspired this story actually graduated recently with a bachelors in psychology and I'm super proud of her) and that's when I heard the piano. I would usually just ignore the sound, but it was so peaceful, so delicate, it was hypnotic. Before I knew my feet were moving without my command towards the noice, and there I was in the doorway of the music room. He seems to be in his own world with the grand piano, and I became intoxicated by the sound. He didn't notice I was there until one of my books fell and dropped to the floor.
He didn't dramatically turn around and accuse me of stalking like they do in Korean dramas. He slowly drifted his fingers off the keys, his hands looked so soft and elegant. He quietly got up, moving like the wind. He walked over, never making eye contact with me, delicately picked up my book, put it in my arms, and walked away. I was frozen in his presence. He didn't say a word, but his movement said it all "I have a reputation at this school, keep this a secret". He never said a word, not a single syllable, and he already had me locked in his trap. I didn't realize I was holding my breathe until I gasped for air.

* (P.O.V) means point of view, meaning that the story is being seen from this characters eyes

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