"Jack! Jack! Come back!" Calling me and telling me to come back isn't going to influnce my decision. I'm not turn right back around to make a fucking "U- Turn" to go learn something I won't need in fucking future. 

I ran down the corridors and just went against the walls. It's only first period. First. Not second, not third, not fourth. But, first. I just want all this to end.

I just don't want to be here right now. I just feel so betrayed. My prick of a brother decided to go up and kiss my girlfriend. What the hell? But, Emily could not of just went up to my brother and kiss him. That's nothing like her. She wouldn't do that. I know my own girlfriend.

I... I just... want to be anywhere else but here.

Finn's POV:

"Mr. Darrison? May I go to the toilet?"

"Of course. Take a pass. Don't want anyone thinking you're skipping."

"Alright." I go out the classroom excused. But, I'm not going to the bathroom for that reason. I just can't focus. After what happened with Jack and I... I just can't believe myself or that bitch 'Emily'. Ugh, even the thought of her name digusts me. Seriously? Why the fuck would you lie to your own boyfriend and make him lose his trust for his brother just so you can keep him? Who would be that insane to do that? Emily. 

I still can't believe her.

I run into the toilet and go to the sink. l go up into the mirror and look into it for a couple of minutes. This what people see. Finn Harries. Nope. What I see is a completely different person.

A complete douche.

This isn't the way I used to act. I was perfectly fine before I came here. I don't want to be here anymore. It's ruining my life. Oh to the fucking hell with that, It was ruining my life before. But... Now... It's making it worse. This isn't how my life was. It utterly confusing with new siblings that I recently just meet. 

This isn't me. 

I knew it wasn't. It's like I molded into a stupid idiot. You know what, why don't you just call me James from on? I can feel anixety coming up on my sleeve and it's not going to end up pretty.

I ran out into the corridors and I pass by Jack sitting against a huge space where it looks like some lockers were.


"Yeah. The fuck you want?"

"Jack, mate. I didn't mean to-"

"Save it. If you're going to tell me the same fucking excuse then I don't want to hear it." He said getting up and starting to walk away. I grabbed his arm before he could walk an inch towards his class that he obviously walked out of.

"Dude! Let go of me!"

"Not until you hear me out." I said sternly.

"No! I already know the whole story!"

"No Jack! You don't! Just let me tell you!"

"Alright. Alright. 10 minutes. And 10 minutes only." He said whilst I let go of his arm.

"Fine. I went into the school building and I went to my locker, got everything I needed then played on my phone for a couple of minutes until 'Emily' which I knew nothing about kept looking at me. Then, she waited until 'You' came up to her-"

"So, what you're saying is that she got us mixed up like you said before. Finn-"

"You didn't let me finish." I blurted out.

"Alright. Go ahead. Finish." He said in an annoyed manner.

"Instead of waiting some more, she went ahead and went up to me. I didn't go to her, she went up to me. She said 'No excitement?' and after I said hi back to her. I asked who was she and she thought I was joking after I tried to tell her I wasn't you. But, she was so busy trying to kiss me before I had time to tell her."

"That... That doesn't p-prove anything. She said that she didn't kiss you first..." He said with a little guilt in his tone. He knew I was telling the fucking truth.

"Jack. She lied to you! She even told me herself!"

"But why? I didn't do anything... Did I?" He said sliding with his back against the wall.

"No. No. No. She thought that you'd break up with her if she said Yes. That's all."

"Well I'm going to break up with her no matter what she says. She should of told me the truth in the first place and the whole situation would of been dealt with. Instead it ended up to this." Now, I'm starting to see the resemblance...

"Okay. Good for you, Jack." I patted him on the backwhile he was heading his way towards his next class.

"And... Finn. I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier and the things I said about saying that you didn't care and I was just-"

"Jack. It's alright. It might have looked a bit sketchy. And... I'm sorry too." I said my voice going into a slight hush tone at the end. I hardly say "Sorry" to anyone. And Jack's surprised face has taken notice of that.

He put his arms out in a manner where he motioned me to hug him. I was about to reject for him not believing me for the whole time... But, I accepted his offer.  After a couple of seconds, we separated.

"See you at 4th period."

"Yeah, you too..."

Jack's POV:

So, he really was telling the truth. I feel like such an idiot. I've been hurt like this before by many people before. And Emily has never been one of them. But, now she's become one by lying to me.

The bell has now rung and everyone in the hallways like bees. But, I'm looking for this one girl in particular. Emily Simmons. She's been my girlfriend for two years and this happens now? What the fuck, Em? We laughed, we played, we argued, we cried, we had a great relationship. And now, all of that is about to change.

I saw her about to go to her English class, I started running over to her. When she made eye contact with me, she started walking much faster.  Before she stepped a foot in the classroom, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to side. Mr. Darrison made a face as if I was about to take her for a ride somewhere. So, I made it clear.

"She'll only be a minute."

Then, Emily gave me a confused face like she'd done nothing wrong. After a couple of minutes, her face went pale and she was quite scared of I was going to do.

"W-what h-happened, Jack?"

"We need to talk."


(A/N): Hope you enjoyed that chapter! If there is any errors in this chapter, I will edit them out later.  And now... *clears throat*


The picture over there is of Jack and Will's twitter conversation back in November. It was pretty funny though hahahaha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And next week I will most probably won't update this in a while because of school.


That's pretty it...

See you?

Okay. Bye.

Separated at Birth || Jack and Finn Harries AU (discont.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang