Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

"Oh well, what happened?"

"Well, let's just say I had a feeling with Mum and the siblings and I have a new person in my life..."

"You got a girlfriend?! Oh honey! Congratulations!" She came a gave me a big hug. I accepted it. I didn't care if it looked embarrassing or anything. I was glad she was happy for me instead of not caring at all.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"So... Who's the girl?" Now, she's becoming embarrassing.


"Who is it?! Tell me! C'mon Pleaseeee!" Oh God.

"It's Sarah... From my old school..."

"Finally! I mean, you guys have been best friends for like... 13 years!"

"I know that... I was there."

"Alright, so what happened with your brother, sister and mum?"

"Well, At first Emmy didn't like me at all. She didn't want me anywhere near mum or Jack... She just wanted things to be... You know... Without me."

"Wow... Emmy shouldn't be like that. She just met you."

"Exactly! Then, Emmy and I got into this big arguement and things went down hill from there-"

"Can we get to the happy part before you get to me to the point where you get me too sad to function?"

"Alright. So, Mum and I sat down to have 'a talk'. I said what I needed to say and Emmy came behind me and gave me a big hug. She said she was sorry then, Jack came down and we all ended up hugging... I had a feeling that I rarely experienced and I never wanted to go away."

"So, what you learned from this that... Mother's know best?" We both let out a chuckle.

"Yes Anna. Mother's know best."

Jack's POV:

"Do I have to?" Emmy whined.

"Yes. You do!" Mum yelled from a different room.

"But Jack gets to-"

"Jack's eighteen! You're eleven! Jack's going to be out of school in a few months, you still got a couple more years to go! Now go to bed!"

"Fine..." Emmy groaned as she stomped into her room.

Now, It's just me with peace and quiet. I usually just stay on the computer until 11:30, maybe even later then that. But, I don't care. It just separates me from everything else I have to do. Projects? Fuck that. Homework? Fuck that. School? Fuck that. I'm getting tired of everything at the moment. It's all just giving me stress that is getting too much to handle right now.

School + Me = Not a good combination.

I work and try my hardest in each and every one of my classes, but they just want to cheat in our little game that we play. Sure. I may fool around a bit, but there is no fucking reason why I get a C+ in almost all of my classes because of my attitude or my behaviour.

While I was browsing the internet, I see I get a new message from my girlfriend sending me a good night text. Hey Jackamo. I just wanted to wish you a good night's sleep, no matter at what time you're reading this... Just know that I still love you. :) xx -Emily. I love you too, Em. Good Night. xx -Jack

I shut down my computer and just hope tomorrow is going to be good day like it was today. I loved today. Today Emmy finally got along with Finn. Sooner than I expected actually. But, I don't care. As long as my silblings are happy. I'm happy. I get into bed and feel myself drifting into a deep sleep, so I can wake up into a day with the sun shining bright onto my face.

Separated at Birth || Jack and Finn Harries AU (discont.)Where stories live. Discover now