"Molly, I think we should let her rest," Potter said, pulling my mum out of the room.

I was lost in my thoughts for a few minutes, but when I could hear again, I heard a few words of their conversation.

"Just don't tell them, I don't want them to bother her when she needs to rest, and she won't be able to if she's constantly being bothered," Potter said.

"Alright, but when do you think she'll be ready for visitors, or to come home?" Mum asked.

"A few days for visitors, and I'd say a week before she can go home," Potter said.

"Ok, come by whenever you need to, goodbye sweetie."

Potter walked back in to the room, and he sat by me. I scooted away.

"Ginny-"he began.

"Potter, am I going to be okay?" I asked, pretending that I didn't hear their conversation.

"Ginny, you can call me Harry, and yes, you'll be fine. But I want to know something. Do you want to keep the baby?" He said, jaw clenched.

"No, I want to get rid of it."

"Ok, I'll take you to a healer to have it done, because I won't be able to do it right," he said.


*The night before*

"Take her to my room," I told Cho. As she pulled Ginny to my room, I fell to my knees, and just let the tears flow. Cho came out a few minutes later and tried to comfort me, but I just shook her off. After she left, I kept crying. I cried for hours, and when I stopped, I made my way to my bedroom door, I opened the door, but I didn't go in. I just stood in the doorway, staring at the sleeping, bruised form of the love of y life, and wondered if I should go lay with her. I decided that I had to be near her, I was to selfish to just let her sleep alone. I needed to be with her, just to make sure she didn't disappear again. And so I walked over and laid in my bed, wrapping my arms around Ginny and pulling her close to me. I finally fell into a sleep filled with good dreams for the first time since I lost her.

I woke up the next morning, and Ginny was clinging to me, shivering a little bit. I wriggled out her grasp and pulled the blanket over her. I wished I could stay in bed with her, but I had to call Molly to let her know that Ginny was found.

I called her a couple of times on the muggle telephone, but when nobody answered, I figured that they didn't know how to work it yet, so I sent my patronus.

'Molly, you're needed at my home in Godrics Hollow. Come alone' I told the stag, and it bounded out of the house. Before Molly arrived, I called Draco, because he did know how to work a telephone.

"Draco, I need you to contact your healer friend," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Reasons, just tell him that I'll be there around ten o' clock, and to be ready."


Molly appeared a few minutes later.

"Oh my, Harry, I haven't been in this house since the night before..." She trailed off, but I knew what she was talking about. "So, what did you need me for?"

"Ginny," I said.

"Oh, Harry, I told you to give up."

"And, I have," I said. "You know why?"

"Why, Harry?" she asked, her eyes getting hopeful.

"Because, she's in my bedroom, laying on my bed right now," I said.

"Ginny!" Molly screeched.

"Shh, she's sleeping, Molly," I whispered.

"Oh sorry."

I opened the door to my room and Molly walked over to to her daughter.

"Ginevra," Molly whispered.

"She doesn't remember anything, I checked her brain. All of her memories are of Lucius torturing and raping her," I said, my voice cracking. "She's pregnant," I finished, my jaw clenched.

"Oh, Ginny."

Ginny's eyes fluttered open.

"Mum?"Ginny asked.

"She remembers me," Molly said, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. When Molly released her, Ginny's eyes fell upon me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she blushed and looked away.

"Molly, I think we should let her rest," I said, pulling the relieved mother away from her only daughter.

We walked out into the hall and I stopped right outside if the door.

"Molly, don't tell your family about this," I said.


"Just don't tell them, she needs to rest, and she won't be able to if she's constantly being bothered."

"Alright, but when do you think she'll be ready for visitors, or to come home?" Molly asked.

"A few days for visitors, and I'd say a week before she can go home," I said.

"Okay, come by if you need anything, goodbye sweetie."

I walked back into the room.

I sat next to Ginny, but my face fell as she scooted away.

"Ginny-" I began.

"Potter, am I going to be okay?" Ginny asked.

"Ginny, you can call me Harry, and yes, you'll be fine. But I want to know something. Do you want to keep the baby?" I asked, my jaw clenched.

"No, I want to get rid of it," she said. I felt relieved.

"Ok, I'll take you to a healer to have it done, because I won't be able to do it right," I said.

I picked her up and apparated to St. Mungo's. I didn't want to make her walk.

When we arrived in the waiting area, a healer came out immediately.

"Healer Jace Waters, Mr. Potter, Draco told me you'd be coming," the healer said.

"That's great, now can you get rid of a baby before it's been born?" I asked.

"Yes, come with me," Healer Waters said.

By the time the healer had preformed the procedure, Ginny was fast asleep.

"Mr. Potter, Miss Weasley is going to be in a lot of pain for the next few days because I had to sever a few things in her body, as the baby was formed with dark magic so it had attached itself to her in unusual places, so make sure she takes this pain killing potion," he handed me a huge jug, "three times a day for the next week."

"Of course," I said. "It kills me to see her in pain."


Sam is still jealous that I'm doing better than he is on his account, so if you want this story to stay up, Keep voting, commenting and reading.



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