Chapter 39 - Light vs Dark: The Final Battle Part 1

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He threw himself flat against the ground as Roxas shot past from above, little more than a blur to the doppelgänger at the level he was fighting at, red eyes widening as several long black hairs detached themselves from his head and floated away on the mad rush of air in the speeding teen's wake.

The dark doppelgänger looked over and saw a swath of debris on the floor as the fox slayer skimmed over the ground below then shot back to his level in a second, again coming for his enemy, leading with a straight attack that would take the Zervik's head off if he didn't watch it. Zervik reached above his head and put both hands on the on the wall then curled himself into a ball, just as Roxas' attack slammed home with enough force to bury his arm in the wall up to the shoulder and caused a shockwave to shoot out.

The fox slayer saw white as he didn't pull his arm out in time and both of Zervik's heels slammed into the top of his head, sending him speeding to the ground, until he slammed to the ground and raised a massive cloud of debris, from which he shot like a bullet and tried to hit the doppelgänger with an uppercut. Zervik's head pulled out of the way in time, but Roxas felt his knuckles graze the wizard's chin, then he was past, flipping backwards before coming to a stop.

Zervik watched the fox slayer across from him with a guarded expression that Roxas knew all to well. It was the same look that every enemy had gotten when the fox slayer had proven himself an equal to them. It was the look of being unwillingly impressed.

Roxas engulfed his arms in fox-fire and launched himself at Zervik again, and the doppelgänger responded in kind, pushing off the wall to meet the onrushing warrior at the halfway point, over open space, and begin trading blows rapidly. The pair's arms were moving so fast that it looked like they'd both sprouted multiple fists.

The fighting titans broke apart, Zervik  rebounding off the ground  and becoming a blur. Roxas let out a war cry and mimicked the move then the two became nothing but black streaks that bounced all over the area.

Shockwaves pulsed all around the area as the streaks met, bounced apart, met, bounced apart, only to meet again somewhere else, each meeting producing the waves that did everything from just create gusts of wind, to shattering tree trunks and sending up swarms of leaves when the two met in the canopy.

Roxas reappeared on the ground as if he'd simply popped out of thin air, and he looked a little worse for wear. Small cuts and bruises covered him and his pants had a massive gash ripped in the right leg at the knee, showing hard corded muscle that looked like he was chiseled out of marble. He was breathing hard, panting as if he'd been running for miles, sweat staining his front and running down his face, though his eyes still burned with the intensity of the sun.

Zervik appeared across from him, though to Roxas' shock, he didn't even have a single bruise nor was he breathing hard and sweating. He just stood there with a dark smirk.

Roxas gritted his teeth. 'Damn!' he thought. 'I'm going all out and this guy is still keeping up! I'm making him work, sure, but I can't keep this pace up, and he looks like he's not taking this seriously. He's testing the water, seeing what I can do, and wearing me down by matching my pace.' He glanced down at his fists, that began to tremble slightly. 'I guess,' he realized. 'I guess that in the end, he'll will win.' He allowed a slight slump to enter his shoulders. 'It's over. I can't win...No I can't think like. It'll just prove that he was right. I have to keep fighting!'

Crimson flames began to outline Zervik in a swirling red vapor, forming into a fox cloak.

"I must congratulate you, Roxas. That was a great warm-up. Now it's time to get serious!" as he said that, his teeth began to sharpen while his arms took on a monstrous form with sharp claws. he then let out a loud roar before he made the crimson flames burst from his body, this sent shockwaves that were pushing Roxas back. 

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