Julian Hitchet

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Role》 Member of the Dusk Serpents

Name 》Julian Alexis Hitchet

Nickname》 Julie or Alex

Age 》Appears 19 is really 37

Gender 》Female

Sexuality》 Heterosexual

Species》 Half Vampire, Half Human

Personality 》Alex is one of those people who you would naturally consider to be cold-hearted and cruel upon the first glance of her

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Personality 》Alex is one of those people who you would naturally consider to be cold-hearted and cruel upon the first glance of her. And, if I'm going to be completely honest with you, it's true. Trust your instincts around this girl, and run if you get the chance. She's a monster, inside and out. Jullian knows that she's a more powerful being than a majority of the population, and she's most definitely not afraid to act on that information. She loves to scare people. Loves it. Alex thrives on fear and anguish, using it to fuel her own strength. Even when she doesn't have to have it, she'll still go out to play with the miserable humans. Alex also likes to show her dominance, almost like a wolf even.

She's incredibly daring and bold, pushing people to their limits and then some

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She's incredibly daring and bold, pushing people to their limits and then some. However, if the unlucky soul decides to fight back... Well, she won't take to kindly to it. Being a very Black and White kind of person, she doesn't really see the 'maybe' in situations. It's either yes or no, right or wrong, scraped or injured. No in-between. Ya' know? So when it comes to decision making, its usually not that hard for her to pick. When she's around the few people she considers family, she's not afraid to be herself. A completely different person from the one you might see with strangers. She actually cares for these certain few. Trusts them with her life and would even give up her own for them. Julie also has terrible mood swings, and is quite literally the definition of bipolar. One second she's all nice and friendly, the next she's savage as hęll and lashing out like a cat. Ya just gotta overlook the mentally unstable business alright? 😉 She's hard as a rock on the outside, and surrounding herself with walls upon walls of security on the inside. She doesn't want to let anyone in. Her thoughts on emotions are harsh, and she believes that they make a person weak, vulnerable. Therefore, she simply chooses not to acknowledge that they exist. Reveling in the fact that she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. (Not really of course, but that's just her attitude.)

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