Chapter 1

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justin's pov:

this is it. collage.

"raegan, we did it" i say starting to tear up while staring at UCLA.

"don't get all emotional on me justin"

"come on raegan! this has been our dream since we were five."

"ya ya, let go check out all the hot girls on campus"

ouch. you see raegan is my best friend yet i have had the hugest crush on him forever yet he is straight.

"or hot guys..." i wink.

he rolls his eyes and walks to the information desk.

"hello ma'am" he winks at the lady behind the counter.

"I am justin blake and this is raegan beast. we need our room key please"

the nice lady smiled at raegan and handed me the keys. i grab his hand and drag him to the elevator.

"try to keep your dick in your pants" i whisper while pushing the level 5 button.

"she was hot justin!" he whispers back.

"you think every GIRL is hot raegan" he gives me a weird look and looks at his phone while unlatching our hands.

i don't want him to know i like him because it has always been justin and raegan, best friends. (together forever it's LiNdA and HeAtHeR)

"home sweet home" i smile while walking into the small dorm room.

"dorm smelly dorm" raegan says while closing the door.

i sigh and start unpacking my duffle bag. raegan claims the bed closest to the refrigerator and i giggle slightly.

"you think that's funny huh?" he gets close and my heart races. "well some of us really like to eat justin" he gets in my face and i blush.

"yes, i do think that is funny" i stand on my tippy goes to get closer to his face.

he laughs and turns around. fuckkk. maybe tomorrow he will realize he is madly in love with me, or the day after, or the day after that.

oo new story??

i have lots of ideas!!


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