The War

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Fire, fire everywhere. Battle sounds of steel hitting steel… people shouting…crying out in pain. The thudding of sandals running through the camp. Surrounding me a bloody battle is taking place and I can’t…do… anything.


I look crawl towards some wooden derbies, I then turn over and rest my back upon it. I place my hand to the pain at my waist, it feels moist, I bring my hand back up and I see that I’m bleeding from a cut. The cut feels deep, lethal.

“Luke, Luke are you alright?”

I look up and I see someone in blue battle armour running towards me…Amreen?..... and then some other people walking towards her in white silk Egyptian armour. I try to warn her, to tell her that a crowd of stupid people are coming up from behind her but no sound comes out. She walks up to me before realising that they are there.

She pulls out her bow and aims at the closes one. They all stop; “surrender or die” says one of the Egyptian.

“Never” she says defiantly, “take another step and you’re dead” she says again

One man comes forward from the group, power just radiating from him, he raise his hands and then says ,

“Burn everything, burn them all”.

The men around him charge towards Amreen, she lets an arrow lose towards the group, the man with power radiating from him just clicks his fingers and the arrow catches alight, burning it up into ashes. Amreen pulls out that dagger of hers and charges towards the enemy. The powerful guy just laughs,

“HAHAHAHAH, not good enough Bloodling”

(cough)…. Shit I’m coughing up blood…. (cough)….. I look back up and two men charge towards me with their swords drawn and with murder in their eyes.

(cough)…well I’m going to die anyway….(cough)……might as well go down swinging.

I raise my sword to block but it was a poor effort, the guy evades my block and sends his sword through my chest….


Blood Lines The Bloodling War (sequal to Blood Lines)Where stories live. Discover now