Chapter 17

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Cat pov

The dismissal bell rang and I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could,I ran to my locker and started tossing them into my backpack and slim my bag over my shoulder and slam my locker door shut.

I see beck talking to Andre about something and I run up and hug him from behind.

He turns around and I'm giving him the stupidest smile plastered on my face.

" Hey Cat " beck says kissing the top of my head.

" Hey Beck " I say.

" could you give me a ride home? " I ask him holding his hand.

" sure anything for my kitty cat " beck says smiling.

" Bye Andre " beck says walking away from Andre and out towards the vacant parking lot.

Beck takes out his keys and clicks the button thingy then I hop into the front seat and place my bag on my lap.

Beck jumps into the car and inserted his key into the slot hole thingy.

" ready? " he ask me.

I node my head and he pulls out of the parking lot and drives towards my home.

Once we arrive I hop out and tell him thanks and run inside and get ready for tonight.

" hey cat " Nona says once I walk in.

" hey Nona " I say walking towards her and giving her a peck on her cheek.

" Nona? " I ask her while I hang my bag on a hook.

" yes cat? " Nona says turning off the water.

" could I go to this drive in movie thing tonight? " I asks walking towards Nona.

" sure cat " she says drying her hands with a towel.

" yay thanks Nona " I say giving her a big hug.

Nona smiles and nods her head.

" remember my first drive in my old boyfriend Jim took me and boy was he a gentleman he bought me popcorn a drink and even a blanket to wrap up in oh what a great time and he also " nona said.

Before Nona could finish her quite long story I interrupted her.

" That's great Nona bye " I say walking vastly to my room.

I shut my door and lock it and walk toward my closet looking at all my clothes thinking which top I should pick.

I found a cute baby pink shirtless top and some black leggings and some baby pink floral meds to go with it and I decided to put my hair in a cute sleek pony tail.

I grabbed my baby pink purse and my pear phone and texted beck that I was ready to be picked up for the blanket movie thing, and waited on my couch and watched some toilet wars.

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