Chapter 11

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Max's POV

Why did Shelby have a blade?

What was she gon-


I know what she was doing.

I saw her lift her sleeves up, showing scars.

How long has she been doing this?

I saw her slide the blade against her skin, blood starting to show.

She made two cuts.

That's when I decided to make her stop.

I crept out of her room and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and yelled "Shelby!".

"Coming," I heard her call cheerfully. If I didn't know what she was doing, I would be fooled. "Yeah?"

"Do you know where Ross went?" I asked her. I knew the answer. The offices.

"Umm...I think he went to work," Shelby said.

"Okay, thanks," I said. She smiled and went back upstairs.

It was hard talking to her, knowing what she had been doing. I cared for her and I was really upset. It seemed that Shelby has a perfect life, besides Tyler, but why would she cut herself.

I'm mad at her.

"Max? Shelby?" Ross called as he walked into the apartment. "I need to tell you something,"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Adam's having a party...thing on Saturday. All of the office is invited," Ross said.

"K, I'll tell Shelby," I said and started upstairs.

"Shelby?" I said as I knocked on her door.

"Yep?" She asked, opening her door.

"Adam's having a party on Saturday," I said. "All of the office is invited,"

"Yay!! Where at?" She asked.

"Ask ross," I said and walked to my room.

"Umm..ok," she said and I heard her go downstairs.

~*Time Skip to Saturday cause they just sit around the house, Max and Shelby not talking because he's mad and Shelby gave up trying to talk and Ross watches anime.*~

Shelby's POV:

I woke up to my alarm. 8:00 am.

I got out of bed and had a shower.

I put on some leggings and a flannel, a grey tank top underneath, and did my makeup. I brushed my hair and went downstairs.

Max was in the kitchen eating his mac n' cheese. When he saw me, he went upstairs.

Why is he so mad at me?

I brushed it off and got some cereal.

~*Time Skip to 6:00 pm; 1 hour until the party*~

I put on a cute dress. The downside was that it had short sleeves and my scars were visible. I took out my makeup bag and covered my scars and cuts with consealer.

I did my makeup and hair.

"Shelby, lets go!" Ross yelled from downstairs.

I looked at my clock. 6:45.

How? How did it take me that long to get ready? Sometimes I don't get the life of being a girl.

I grabbed my shoes (full outfit at top) and ran downstairs.

~*Time Skip to party*~

"Everybody gather around the fire. I have news," Adam called out. We all did as he said.

"Some of may see it as bad news, but I see it as good news. You may not be happy with me-" Adam was cut off.

"Just tell us already, man," Tim intruded.

"I'm shutting down SkyMedia," Adam said.

There were gasps from the crowd.

"I just don't feel into it and myself anymore," Adam said.

"It's ok, Adam. We understand," Em said. "Right, guys?"

"Right. And now we can all go our separate ways and do what we want to do," Red said.

This was a big shock to me. To all of us, really.

"Shelby, I'm sorry this is happening so soon to when you started working here," Adam looked at me.

"No, no. Don't worry about it. It's no problem. You just want to be yourself, not Sky. It's totally fine," I said and gave him a warming smile.

"What about SkyDoesMinecraft?" Time asked.

"It's now going to be a community channel. Anyone who wants publicity can post on the channel," Adam cleared up.

"Have you by any chance, sold the offices yet?" I asked.

"No, why?" Adam asked me.

"Cause I'd like to buy them," I said confidently.

"Uhh... sure. If you want them, you can take them. We can just get you name for the ownership instead of mine," Adam said.

"Great," I beamed.

~*Time Skip to home*~

"Shelby?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see Max.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling at him. I had already gotten into my pyjamas and taken off my makeup when he approached me.

"I know what you do," He said, eying my arms.

Oh no.

This could only end one way

A disaster.

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