Chapter 3- Leaving

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I grabbed my phone and called Ross.

"Hey, Shub. What's up?" Ross answered the call.

"Ross? Can I come live with you?" I asked him.

"Yes, of course! But may I ask why?"

"I need to get away from here," I responded and hung up.

Ross's POV

"I need to get away from here," Shelby said and hung up before I could ask why. Oh well. Now my cousin, who feels like a sister to me, is living with me!! I have to go tell Max.

Hopefully he doesn't become Mad Max and can just Let It Go! I chuckled to myself and went to Max's room.

Max's POV

Ross came bursting into my room.

"Shelby's!" He shouted, clearly out of breathe. Probably from running up the stairs. He was really out of shape.

"Wait, you're kidding?" I said.

I like Shelby. Like, a lot. I didn't want her moving in like every other person would want when they had a crush on someone. I didn't want her to move in because it would make things awkward if I told her, she didn't like me back and we lived together. That is something a person does *not* forget.

"No. She'll be here tomorrow. That reminds me, I have to go work so could you go pick her up at the airport since you aren't working?" He asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Umm...Sure," I responded.

I grabbed my phone when Ross left the room and texted Shelby.

(S- Shelby

M- Hey, so Ross can't pick you up tomorrow at the airport  so I'm going to. What time does you're plane land?

S- It should land at 2:30. Btw, I would bring a big truck. I am moving in, after all.

M- Lol ok.

I was just about to shut my phone off when I got another text from Shelby.

S- And I hope Galileo doesn't mind having another dog around. I have to bring Shadow.

M- Sure thing. :) Cya 2morrow

God, things are going to be awkward when she moves in.

Shelby's POV

I like Max but I don't think he likes me back so I won't say anything. Although living with him is going to be hard and awkward. I didn't remember that Max lived with Ross until I ended the phone call with Ross.

~* Time skip to next day*~

I woke up from Shadow licking my face. He must've been excited to go to Washington, too.

I got dressed into comfy (because I was going on a plane) and cute (because, duh. It's me) clothes. I put on some comfy leggings and a comfy shirt that on it. I put on very little, neutral makeup on.

I set my eye liner down and looked at the final product. I then stared into my own eyes.

*Weak* said the stupid voice in my head.

I tried ignoring then, but then... I thought it was true. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my blade.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading for a week or so. I will start publishing on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays!

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